This is a work I created as a "valentines" to IB user [iconname]Meergoose[/iconname]. For me it was a special way to celebrate the holiday and do something new ive never tried before. When you're a kid you give a valentines to someone who you have a crush on, someone who you dont even know but want to know. Its an incredibly vulernable/awkward thing to do because you are putting yourself completely out there without knowing anything about how the other person feels about you. Its a very special exhilerating yet scary feeling (I dont know if I ever really did this as a kid, but i wish i had). when your an adult you dont do this. you get with someone first and give them valentines gifts while you are with them. Its not the same. I wanted to take a chance and try the old school approach and just let the chips fall as they may.
I wanted to throw caution to the wind and give some guy a valentines. I wished some IB users happy valentines and I gave some gifts to people I know in real life, but I really wanted to surprise someone with something special and completely unexpected. I liked meergooses character (semi-fursona) Edwin Ohm. I also thought meergoose was kind of an interesting person (the sort to speak his mind and with things to say). So I chose him.
In a kind of meta way I came up with the idea that in-universe Kyaw Bits would have his own crush on Edwin Ohm, a teenager. This makes perfect sense given Kyaws character who is completely boy obsessed and seems to like older boys too in addition to boys his own age. Kyaw wants to give his own valentines to Edwin. He is just around the corner to ambush Edwin with the surprise. Edwin is distracted with his music and his thoughts. Why not show Edwins reaction? Because i didnt want to assume a reaction for a character that is not mine. This is the moment of anticipation (butterflies in your stomach, symbolized here as butterflies hearts and rainbows above kyaws head) before you get to see the other persons reaction.
It was fun, and yes I was a little nervous and excited to find out what meergooses response would be. He seemed to appreciate it and liked it.
The poster in the background was added at the end and is meant to be ironic. it shows a boy and girl (cats?) kissing and the caption reads "Have you told her how you feel? Take a chance for valentines". The idea being that if you keep feelings to yourself youll never know how the other person might feel, but if you take a chance there is at least the possibility that things could turn out nicely. Too often we cheat ourselves through our fear of rejection. Being rejected should be part of the process and so should moving on and trying again, and again you never know what might come of it, but silence will leave you to suffer alone (harsh but true).
Anyway those are the thoughts behind this piece.
I did multiple study drawings of Edwin so I could capture the essense of the character, at least the version I found most appealing. I think this paid off and I was able to draw Edwin in a way that matches the character.
Edwin Ohm belongs to [iconname]Meergoose[/iconname]