I meant to upload this yesterday but time constraints and forgetfulness prevented it.
This was not made for Valentines but a long while back (late September 2020) when I first conceived of Bits&Bobs. This is actually the initial premise for the series. Dont quite remember but i think the concept may have come from a dream i briefly had.. It goes something like this:
Kyaw Even Bits is a shy rabbit boy kindergartener who has a crush on Sven Odd Bobs, the sporty Roo, who himself has a crush on a pretty cat girl in his class who most of the boys have a crush on as well. Kyaw has wanted to become friends with Sven since day 1 of kindergarten but hasn't been able to get up the courage to say so much as hi. But as valentines approaches Kyaw devises a ruse. What if instead of giving a valentines to a girl (like he's suppose to ... its the 80s ... none of this give a valentines to everyone stuff) he instead chose Sven to "be his valentines" just so he has an excuse to introduce himself to Sven. That was the premise for the whole series.
Sven is sitting by himself crying because he can't find the courage to give the girl he likes a valentines. Unexpectedly the shy Kyaw comes to his desk with a valentines in hand. Sven is confused and assumes it must be for some girl behind him. Since there is no one behind him he can only conclude its for him (even though that makes no sense to him). Kyaw confirms Svens suspicion. Sven opens the card
It reads:
Be My Valentine!
tee hee ... actually I've wanted to talk to you all year ... want to be friends?
With that Kyaw gives an enthusiastic "hi!", to which a confused sven responds "Hi?". He follows this up with "You do know you're suppose to give that to a girl right?", to which Kyaw responds "So? Rules are meant to be broken, no?". Sven responds reaffirming "but valentines aren't for friends, they're for girls you like like ... and if you wanted to be friends, why didn't you just say hi at the beginning of the year?". An excellent question. The comic ends there (these were just two test pages) but Kyaw would probably have gone into a flashback explaining his admiration of Sven from afar, especially his sports abilities.
This comic pretty much established Svens look and personality. Its a radical departure from his first design in kit crew and it has stayed consistent since then. Kyaws design on the other hand was still in Flux. His design was only really finalized after this in "Bits&Bobs". This established his canonical appearance and personality, particularly his odd juxtaposition of hobbies: ballet and video games.
Originally the plan was to work on bits&bobs and release the comic on valentines, but obviously this didn't quite pan out.
I apologize for the poor quality, its only really a sketch. If and when I get around to a real bits&bobs comic this scene will probably be redone. I'm still undecided of how to approach the story but starting here is certainly one approach that could be taken.
By the way, this is why Kyaw is shown holding a heart in his first ever appearance in Kit Crew
baseball cap
shy guy
kyaw bits
sven bobs
4 years ago
16 Feb 2021 02:15 CET
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