(1) Sketchbook (2) Kyaw The Rabbit (Boy) (3) Sven The Roo (Boy) (4) Yua The Cat (Girl)
This is a sketch of some kit characters I'm trying to develop for a short story as practice for bigger and more complex stories.
The rabbit boy's name is Kyaw Evens. He wears his heart on his sleeve is a lonely gamer (no syblings) whose looking for a friend. The Kangaroo boy (Sven) on the bottom is friendly but a bit paint by the numbers in his thinking and is probably sporty, all-in-all a fairly normal boy. He has a severe crush on the cat girl to the right. The cat girl on the bottom right is a siamese cat. She is friendly and sociable and will make friends with almost anyone. That being said she is not one to become too fixated on any one person. She prefers many casual friends over a few very intense high risk friendships.