An object had been placed on the tracks for a train to hit...We could guess who were the trouble makers who did it.
Further details are in Part 39 of Clarence Coyote and Project Courier, which is already posted.
Although no one was hurt, railroad officials still have to get inspectors dispatched to the scene to check the train for damage that could impair safe operation before the train is permitted to continue on it's way.
I've been on a train from Auckland too Wellington that got super delayed like this too a degree. Ok it was one ahead of up, then halfway some fool who were stopping at National Park but were getting another later one later in the week screwed up and we had too dig all their bags out and put all ours back in as they thought going too Wellington in the end was what was asked, not that day!
I've been on a train from Auckland too Wellington that got super delayed like this too a degree. Ok
I was once on a train that hit one of those Thunderbirds built in the late 1970s in the Fairmont body style. The car got spun out of the way, and no one was hurt. But it did total the car...The trunk was sheered off, and the rest of the car was twisted some.
I was once on a train that hit one of those Thunderbirds built in the late 1970s in the Fairmont bod
I once lived near an apartment complex near a cloverleaf, and one day I saw helicopters from 2 or 3 TV stations hovering over the cloverleaf. I turned on one of the channels and saw several police cars surrounding a car that crashed into one of the support pillars. The news reporter said the driver of that car was trying to get away from the police. I forgot what crime he committed, but I hope he lived long enough to face trial.
And I remember one time I took a train to San Francisco. I took one of those Amtrak Superliners, those double-decker trains that were silver with red-white-and-blue stripes. All our luggage was in the berths, so we had to sleep in our seats. When we got to the station in Los Angeles, we had to take a commuter-type train to Oakland and then a bus across the Bay Bridge to San Francisco. Other than that, it was a pretty pleasant ride.
I once lived near an apartment complex near a cloverleaf, and one day I saw helicopters from 2 or 3