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Isn't it beautiful, that when you know what you're talking about, the full-of-shit will come for your reputation and talk about what a despicable person you are. What is the quality of character of a person who is content with this, rather than having a clue? I don't do to others as they do unto me, same deal with almost every outspoken person. The mob are our moral betters? Haha, yeah, as if. As. If.

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Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 4 years, 8 months ago
Rating: General

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4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
Anyone who challenges an activist is a threat that must be purged. It is easy for them to unperson any opposition because activists are infallible and that justifies any cruelty they bring upon you. You don't even have to be right wing to invoke the ire of leftist activists, all you have to do is question the dogma and that's immediately enough to get them on the attack. Hell they attack liberals almost more than they attack the right wing. It's so damn tiring. It's ok to disagree with people about their personal politics, encouraged even. But they won't accept that there are people outside of their flock who think for themselves.
4 years, 8 months ago
Tails spittin' fire and being cute as usual!
4 years, 8 months ago
Boo fucking hoo to them
4 years, 8 months ago
There seems to be a common human failing wherein disagreement about a thing is perceived as advocacy for the thing's opposite.  Disagree that women have been oppressed exclusively by men for all of history?  Obviously, you support the oppression of women.  Disagree that the United States is an inherently racist nation with a majority of racist people?  Obviously, you support racism.  Disagree that Trump is Orange Hitler?  Obviously, you support Hitler.  Disagree that Communism is a good idea?  Obviously, you support the oppression of the working class.  Disagree that climate alarmism is sound science?  Obviously, you want to destroy the environment.  And so on.

Once a person plants you in the category opposite to "it is known" righteousness, being obviously an existential threat, opening communication with mindless aggression can make only too much sense.

Is it mere cognitive dissonance?  Is it just people not realizing that there are more than two sides to an issue?

I wonder if it isn't something deeper.  It resembles nothing if not the behavior of the deeply religious, those holding as Truth the idea that a person must believe in a real (whatever that means) God and Satan in order to be moral, and who are then confronted by an atheist.  Their very axiomatic beliefs preclude the idea of a moral atheist, though I suppose this is the definition of cognitive dissonance.

The Truth that women are oppressed, the Truth that America is racist, the Truth that Trump is the Great Satan, the Truth that capitalism is bad... these ideas, and the many Progressive ideas like them, have replaced God.  The soi-disant journalistic news media and the corrupted, Progressive university system have become the priesthood of the Progressive faith, extolling the Truth, never to be questioned lest one further the goals of anti-Progressivism, i.e. Satan.

And once they've placed someone in the Satanic category, the new assumption is that any or all of the supposed Satanic Traits are implicitly held by that person.  It's never that someone holds only one reprehensible belief; always the person implicitly holds all reprehensible beliefs.

I find it personally enlightening that this behavior is not new.  You can read examples of it, in historical and narrative forms, in the works of Plato and the Gospels, and other such texts from almost two thousand years ago and more.  There is wisdom in those texts to guide us in dealing with this bullshit.  Although, it is a little distressing that someone eventually does end up taking the hemlock or getting nailed to a cross.
4 years, 8 months ago
"They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior." - Yuri Bezmenov
4 years, 8 months ago
Heh, yeah.  I try not to bring up Bezmenov or Gramscian Damage too much, because I got tired years ago of being treated like a kook for trying to bring the actual, no-bullshit threat of lingering Soviet/communist subversion to people's minds.  Try telling someone that they are the attack vector of a memetic virus, and they get a little hostile.  Can't imagine why.
4 years, 8 months ago
Truer words have never been spoken
4 years, 8 months ago
Activists actually have a creed they adhere to that goes, "When all else fails, resort to violence".

You ever notice when some leftist activists seem to be running out of ammo in a battle of wits, they're ready to whump ass on someone...Like decking someone who opposes them is going to show who wins the argument.
4 years, 8 months ago
Liberals and socialists aren't people. At best they're 'people'.
4 years, 8 months ago
The other edge of the dehumanization sword is the implication that a given behavior is inhuman.  This obscures the fact that we are all capable of doing horrible things.  When we say, "a person or persons who exhibit Behavior X no longer belongs to the 'people' set" we are necessarily saying that Behavior X is not a human behavior, which is obviously false.  This blinds us to our own potential failures and those we identify with in terms of tribe.  When a large enough population is so blinkered, it ends up turning a blind eye to some really stunning atrocities.

I think this is what lies at the heart of the Christian doctrine of Original Sin, although it is generally lost in the semantic and ideological shuffle.  The incorrect, or at least incomplete, interpretation is "we are all sinners"; the more useful interpretation is "to sin is to be human; think not that you are above sin."
4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
Y'ever notice that the most eloquent argument, combined with empirical evidence, has no effect on certain people?  Those people need a clue-by-four.

 “Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.” - Conan the Cimmerian
4 years, 8 months ago
Hehehe, To think I have people keep telling me that I'm too aggressive for not putting up with insane authoritarian bullshit. Guess I'm the twat XD
4 years, 8 months ago
Depends on the activist.  Do they actually know what they are talking about?  Are there flaws in their reasoning?  Also, it is a common idea that you can say whatever you want as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's rights.  There are a few things that people forget in that:  that means I can argue back.  Also, being able to argue doesn't make you right, at least not to other people.  You can also believe in what you want, but no one has to agree with you.  

What is the point, then?  I find a proper debate to be about opinions, and they are usually to simply get ideas out there, it isn't to "win".  There are things some people can think about that you can't, and vice versa.  A debate is NOT about facts.  Facts can be observed, demonstrated, or calculated, and are the same for everybody if done correctly.  That is called education, or studying.  It is not a debate.  
4 years, 8 months ago
The activist twats are people who have destroyed the atmosphere just about everywhere, so people need to tread on eggshells or get their shit ruined. Everybody is aware of them, everybody knows what I'm referring to. They're scum and they think themselves moral exemplars while they act worse than everybody else. This isn't a debate, or an attempt at one, it is pointing directly to specific behaviour, that people actually do, and saying it's awful.
4 years, 8 months ago
How can we get rid of the activists though? They are quite many.
4 years, 8 months ago
You can't, there's no need to either XP. Oppose their shit.
4 years, 8 months ago
In other words, accept losing your job.
4 years, 8 months ago
No, the more people openly oppose their behaviour, the less power they have to actually do it in the first place. It is lack of opposition that gives them power to begin with.
4 years, 8 months ago
Sure, but we're in a dilemma here. We could crush them... but 'we' aren't organised. There are people who've tried to actively oppose the fascists, but the fascists always win, and, more importantly, those resisting them always lose. If the fascists let even a single anti-fascist win... then more and more anti-fascists would come out. Thus, the fascists can't let a single anti-fascist win.

You also have to realise that while the fascists aren't a majority, they are quite a big minority.
4 years, 8 months ago
Fascists always win? Could've fooled me XP.
4 years, 8 months ago
Well they have so far, have they not? Sure, they lost WW2, but that was a regular war. This is a culture war. They walked The long march through the institutions and right now they control all relevant aspects of society: universities, schools, government agencies and least, but most important, the media. Even the Police, I'd say.
4 years, 8 months ago
" Ameinias wrote:
Well they have so far, have they not? Sure, they lost WW2, but that was a regular war. This is a culture war.

Be wary of loose definitions.  Mussolini's Italy was about the only proper Fascist state; maybe Franco's Spain too?  Fascism, the word, means something.  Throwing the word around too loosely risks falling into the same traps as the Progressive social justice brigades; the word "fascist" becomes a thought-terminating cliche, and leaves one open to definition-based ripostes.
Authoritarian, totalitarian, tyrannical, are more accurate words for what the current neo-commies exhibit.
4 years, 8 months ago
I don't understand you. At all. The fascists have been extremely successful in the way they use language. Their use of language is one of their greatest strengths. When they use words it has a single purpose: to achieve something. Frighten someone, silence people, distort people's view of reality et cetera. It's evil, because they are evil fascists, but there's no way of winning against that except playing the same game. You don't win against fascists by being nice to them.
4 years, 8 months ago
" Ameinias wrote:
I don't understand you. At all.

Alrighty.  Give me your definition of "fascist," then, so we can talk on the same terms.  It does not seem to match my definition, the way you use it.
4 years, 8 months ago
By itself it means nothing.
4 years, 8 months ago
" Ameinias wrote:
By itself it means nothing.

So, when you call people "fascists" you are calling them "nothing"?  You actually don't mean anything when you say it?  Is it just a generic BadWord(tm) you use for meaningless name-calling?  It sure doesn't seem like that's the case with you, but if you say it is so, then I guess it is.
4 years, 8 months ago
They oppress, harass, 'deplatform' and stalk people, they force them into silence. That's enough to call them fascists. But the main reason we should use that word - and other, similar words - is because it works. Be offensive - you shouldn't have to defend yourself from their accusations, they should have to defend themselves from your accusations. Being a liberal is bad, evil, fascist and oppressive. We should call them that, we should harass them, deplatform them (extremely difficult given that they won the culture war, but even trying is worth something) and try to force them into silence.

Treat them like the evil fascists they are. It works and it's the only thing that does. Being nice does not work. They aren't people, they're scum.
4 years, 8 months ago
" Ameinias wrote:
They oppress, harass, 'deplatform' and stalk people, they force them into silence. That's enough to call them fascists.

But that is not what "fascist" means.  If I were to call someone who does that a "fascist" I would be saying something I know isn't true.  No thanks.

" But the main reason we should use that word - and other, similar words - is because it works. Be offensive - you shouldn't have to defend yourself from their accusations, they should have to defend themselves from your accusations.

Is it not better to use accusations that are, well, true?  A person can be offensive without telling lies.  When "they" levy accusations, the correct move is to demand they support the claims, presuming the accusations are false.  If we just throw accusations around willy-nilly, it would discredit us in the same way it discredits them.

" Being a liberal is bad, evil, fascist and oppressive.

I disagree with your implied definition of liberal, though I do understand what you are saying.

" We should call them that, we should harass them, deplatform them (extremely difficult given that they won the culture war, but even trying is worth something) and try to force them into silence.

No.  No deplatforming, no harassment.  No censorship, not ever.  That is evil.

" Treat them like the evil fascists they are. It works and it's the only thing that does.

You still need to explain what a "fascist" is.  It makes you look like a fool if you throw the word around too loosely.  And it is not the only thing that works.

" Being nice does not work.

We don't have to be nice.  But that doesn't mean we have to act like lying thugs.

" They aren't people, they're scum.

In my world view, scum are people too.

This thread is growing a little tedious.  I may drop out soon.
4 years, 8 months ago
No one person has to fight the entire war on their own.  It is a multi-dimensional conflict, with many potential theaters one can take part in.  The smallest, and the easiest for most people, is to simply stand up and refuse to say things you know to be false.  Don't worry about trying to be in the vanguard; the purely defensive play is useful.

Up from there is the active debate, as reasoned and calm as one can manage.  The nutjobs won't be turned, but people on the sidelines will notice.  A person has to be willing to take a lot of shit, but for the most part it's just words, though still with a small chance of actual risk.

Alongside that, censorship re-routing.  Help others to stand up and speak.  Join sites dedicated to freedom of expression, and contribute to them.  Use technologies built to resist censorship.  This is extra fun when the tech was developed by the very people who would oppose us using it.

Never accept defeat.  Remember that the vast majority of people simply don't care about this shit.  They don't care, and they get annoyed when they're faced with it, right up to the point that they get targeted.  When that happens, we need to be there to show them they are not alone in being the victim of mob aggression.

I know it seems insurmountable, but the authoritarian Christian right seemed insurmountable 25 years ago, too.  Now they're effectively powerless, because people stopped paying attention to them.  And these bastards today aren't relatively peaceful like those folks were; when the mask slips and the violence and aggression comes to bear, people increasingly realize that these fuckers are not the good guys.
4 years, 8 months ago
"The smallest, and the easiest for most people, is to simply stand up and refuse to say things you know to be false."

I would lose my job if I did. Sure, the fact that we lost modernism (and got postmodernism instead) was roughly on the order of (but probably more than) a billion times worse, but still, I'm not altruistic enough to lose my job, and more, trying to get modernism back.
4 years, 8 months ago
" Ameinias wrote:
I would lose my job if I did.

Your job requires, as in coerces, you to explicitly say things you know are not true?  I don't mean it requires you to stay silent when other people speak, but the actual job requires lying?  Sounds like an awful job.
4 years, 8 months ago
There are many situations where I must hide the truth. Looking at the consequences, I might as well have lied. But yes, there are also situations that may arise where I have to give outright lies (not that I see how that's any worse than hiding the truth).
4 years, 8 months ago
And keep in mind that reversing the situation will, at best, take half a century. That's what it took for the liberals to take over all relevant institutions and that's what it will take to take them back. They won't let you though. The institutions used to be conservative, meaning they had a niceness and tolerance of opinions built into them. Conservatives can't take them back as easily though since they're now controlled by fascists.

While taking back the institutions from the inside is necessary to win, you also need to attack from the outside. Call out the fascists for what they are. Don't say "well Obama/Biden/Merkel/Macron are nice people but..." or "liberals mean well...", "I can understand why...". Is this the sort of language they give Trump or any of the liberation parties of Europe? No. Treat any and all liberals the way Trump is treated. Treat them like the scum they are. It must be made difficult to be a fascist. Don't wait until they accuse you of anything - accuse them first. They are fascists, remember? And if they accuse you, never apologise, ever.
4 years, 8 months ago
" Ameinias wrote:
And keep in mind that reversing the situation will, at best, take half a century.

I figure about 20-25 years for the wheel to fully turn.  And, well, yes.  That's no excuse for giving up, though.
4 years, 8 months ago
No. There is no wheel turning. They purposefully took control over the institutions. They worked hard for half a century to do it. It seems to have happened in many western countries, but in particular in the USA, the UK, Canada and the Nordic countries.
4 years, 8 months ago
" Ameinias wrote:
No. There is no wheel turning. They purposefully took control over the institutions.

Institutions are not people.  You can't change an institution without changing the people or making the institution powerless through other means.  The only way to do that is to do the hard work in all the many ways one can do so.  Yes, it can be done.  Yes, it will take time.  Despair solves nothing.
4 years, 8 months ago
You have to replace the people controlling the institutions. That's what the fascists did. They became journalists, teachers and took control of the universities because they wanted to change society. To change it back, modernists must do the same. If you control the media, the schools and the ideology production at the universities you control all of society.
4 years, 6 months ago
There is a wheel turning and that is the problem. You all talk about getting back to where we were but we ARE where we were. The dominant social paradigm always becomes consumed with arrogance and hubris, leading to its eventual ouster, followed by the new order's own gradual descent into the dark side. The best way I can think of to describe it, is if you've ever played the first 2 games of the Diablo computer game series, that's basically what we're seeing now; much as the Dark Wanderer defeated Diablo but then became Diablo, so too the progressive left defeated the 1980's religious far right but them became the 1980's religious far right. Those of you familiar with the late 20th century may recall that there were ACTUAL WITCH TRIALS, including the McMartin trial and the Oak Hill trial. That social order was toppled, but this one that replaced it is the same in all important respects. And in addition to differing only trivially from each other, they both differ only trivially from McCarthyism. Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss

What America needs -what the WORLD needs - isn't a change of values, it needs a change of medication. Instead of a generation of fanatics for this followed by a generation of fanatics for that, followed by a generation of fanatics for the other thing, we need a generation of people who take mood stabilizers and valium to stop them from being a fanatic for anything.
4 years, 6 months ago
The Wheel turns and carries different people and ideologies into different positions, but the positions themselves remain constant.

The wheel makes a revolution and we are carried back to the place where we started.
4 years, 6 months ago
"Fortunae rota volvitur;
descendo minoratus;
alter in altum tollitur;
nimis exaltatus
rex sedet in vertice
caveat ruinam!
nam sub axe legimus
Hecubam reginam.
-The Carmina Burana, Fortune: Empress of the World, "Fortune Plango Vulnera"

"All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. 8All things are wearisome; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. 9The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
-Ecclesiastes 1:7-9
4 years, 8 months ago
Thank you for leaving your socks off Tails. ;-)
4 years, 8 months ago
Well, I tend to be inclined to /take/ them off XP.
4 years, 8 months ago
Even better! <3
4 years, 8 months ago
If I am interpreting this correctly, I knew I could count on you to not be afraid to say what some of us are thinking.
4 years, 8 months ago
Porn, politics, and social commentary don’t mix.

Stick to the pornography, go out and protest if you’re so upset about.... whatever the hell has your drawers bunched up.

No, seriously, what are you even going on about?

And didn’t you pull an ill-advised stunt like this before?
4 years, 8 months ago
" elzackman1996 wrote:
Porn, politics, and social commentary don’t mix.

Porn, being art, is politics and social commentary.

" No, seriously, what are you even going on about?

Do you regularly castigate people when you don't understand what they're saying?  Seems like a pretty poor way to actually gain understanding.  Or are you just an asshole repeating canned phrases you think makes you seem savvy?

" And didn’t you pull an ill-advised stunt like this before?

In what way is this "ill-advised" or a "stunt"?  Folks like yourself are so fascinating.  You say things, but it sure looks like you don't even know what you're saying.  Are you a robot of some kind?  Fascinating, I do declare.
4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 6 months ago
No, they can mix.

For example, how about if somebody did a like comic where the Democratic Party mascot and the Republican Party Mascot take turns raping a bald Eagle representing the USA in the ass. That would be a political cartoon that was readable and would have a clear message while also being blatantly pornographic
4 years, 8 months ago
What a weird take
4 years, 8 months ago
Nah, it's a common sense, ethical take. It is right to oppose awful people who masquerade as moral police while they act worse than everyone they bitch at.
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