Without further delay, here's the first page of the Tales of Woodland comic. And now, a few notes just to clear the air...
* We're actually starting out with a flashback... this is the year 2779 (779 Hybrid Date), two years before the story actually begins and a few months before Byron arrives on the Sanders' doorstep.
* Since it's the seventies (well, one of them), the characters are dressed for the occasion, with Ada sporting a Pat Nixon jacket and bellbottoms, and Elle wearing a dress straight out of the Simplicity wardrobe. Fashion was godawful in that decade (trust me, I had to live through half of it), but it at least had a daring sense of individuality we haven't seen from the last twenty years. Quick, name an article of clothing you'd associate with the 2000s! My point exactly.
* The oak is the standard form of currency on Woodland, accepted throughout the continent in exchange for goods and services. As the name suggests, both the coins and notes are made from wood. Don't chop down that tree in your backyard yet, though... there's a special manufacturing process including mechanical scent marking to ensure that the oaks in circulation aren't counterfeit.
* I'd like to thank a few members of the FurAffinity community before I proceed. XXXChaoticKitty created the character that would eventually become Kai-Andri, and while I've taken a lot of liberties with the original design, she nevertheless deserves credit for building the foundation. Sirius the Wolfhound also had a few great story ideas, which were instrumental in the production of this comic but won't be revealed until much later. Finally, Bridgeport Cat and Momodriller had a peripheral role in proofing the script. They couldn't help as much as I would have liked, but BPC had an idea for a joke that I loved to bits and will be using later in the comic.
* I don't really remember Woolworth's. Evidently they were big, big, BIG in the 1970s, but all that remains of them now is Foot Locker.
* Now Tab I DO remember. I drank the stuff when I was a boy, even though I was nowhere near the drink's target demographic. I tried it again a couple of decades later but couldn't stand the new recipe... Tab just isn't the same without carcinogenic sweeteners.
* Technically, cola wouldn't be any better for hybrids than chocolate, but hey, it wouldn't be the first time they changed the recipe to make it healthier to drink. (Also, stop poking holes in my continuity, you dink!)
* Yes, the baby squirrel in the background of the last panel is Zee-Zee. He was the only one on this page spared from the horror of 1970s fashion, although his mother was not so lucky. Expect more cameos as the story progresses.
* Anyone know what Kai-Andri is based on? You get three guesses and the first two don't count.
black bear
13 years ago
15 Mar 2012 04:55 CET
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