Warning: Long character back story and lore incoming
Isaac-Yggdrasil, the father of Ivan and grandfather of Ion, Meeka and Matias was the son of a noble family of knights in a large kingdom. His parents were royal knights in service to the king of their country. Form a young age he was trained to be a loyal and obedient knight just like his parent were. He trained ruthlessly in sword fighting and in his adeptness to lightning psynergy under the guide of strict mentors along with other children of noble families. He was taught to never question orders and to protect the monarchy at the cost of his life. Due to his exceptional skills and his rare affinity for lightning, Isaac and 4 other squires at the top of their class were accepted as full knights despite their young age. In his knighting by the king the green colour of Isaac's eyes was commented upon and he was giving the title of Knight Yggdrasil in reference to the mythical life tree of their world. The newly formed group was commissioned to quash any rebellion that came across the kingdom. However this had an adverse effect on the young knights, as their more "untrained" minds started to question the actions of the king and nobility, seeing the corruption first hand. Isaac tried to bring up the subject with his parents but they reinforced to him that it was not his choice and orders had to be followed without question. One night when Isaac's group was tasked with slaughtering an attempted uprising, when they descended upon the civilians, the knights could no longer follow the orders that were given to them and they joined the civilians in the uprising and started the civil war, with the first attack against the crown on the night of the blood moon. The kingdom charged the 5 knights with treason and placed a high bounty on each of them, wanting them dead or alive. Isaac family also disowned him, vowing to kill him if they meet on the battle field. As the war raged on, the civilian side was starting to loose heavily when one of the knights had an idea that would give them the edge. He thought if they could get the dragon tribes to fight along with them, they could finally break through and bring the war to a close. But getting the dragon to join them would be difficult as there were not many of them left after the kingdom had hunted them down almost to extinction. Even though dragon hunting was outlawed a long time ago, they were sure if the dragons would trust them at this stage. Knowing how important the task was, Isaac volunteered to attempt to get the dragons on their side as without them all would be lost. He eventually was granted an audience with the dragon elders where he plead his case but as first they refused to join in on the battle. When Isaac promised them their own land when the country would be divided up after their victory, the dragons agreed to join the civilians in the uprising. With all the dragon slaying weapons destroyed long ago, the crown knights and forces were no match for the civilians and the dragon reinforcements as the crown was finally toppled. There were heavy casualties on both sides and any remaining crown or nobility were exiled far away from what would become 5 new countries. This included the remaining members of Isaac's family like his parents who didn't even want to see him before they left in exile. Isaac claimed the northern most landmass and called his part of the country Norland while the wolf knight claimed the southern most landmass, the dog knight the west, the cat knight the east and the rabbit knight the central. The dragons only wanted the mountainous region in the east but they were granted domain over all the mountains in the north and west as well (the south/central had none) to which they were grateful. Some dragons even started integrating themselves into the standard community to their surprise, were welcomed with open arms but only a very small few elected to do so. Most of the remaining dragons founded small villages in the mountains and wanted to remain separate from the rest of society which was only natural considering the past. Isaac's rabbit knight comrade founded the Contract Hunters, which headquartered in the central most country on the continent to ensure that corrupt individuals or groups would not be tolerated and so that skilled people could hunt them down without the need to overuse the army. All 5 knights became founding members and the other 4 took a division of the hunters back to their respective countries. Isaac then settled down and through is leadership, brought prosperity to Norland. Isaac eventually fell in love and had 2 sons, where he trained his first born Ivan to eventually take over his vision for Norland but Ivan always seamed disinterested and his fighting skills were lacking. Isaac became frustrated with Ivan for his lack of interest especially after what he sacrificed to achieve the prosperous kingdom and after the fact he learned his son was extremely skilled in swords and lightning psynergy, only hiding it from him so that Isaac would loose interest in training him. His wife then told him to let Ivan discover what he wanted to do on his own and that he would take up the mantle when the time was right in his own terms. So when Ivan wanted to study medicine, Isaac agreed to let him go but made him promise to return when he called on him to lead the country. Years went by and Isaac learned Ivan opened up a medical practice in a small coastal town where he finally seamed to be happy. Isaac was coming to the realization that maybe Ivan didn't have to take over for him, as the country was prosperous and should be handed back to the people who worked hard to get it their, but before any preparations could be put in place, his wife fell gravely ill. Knowing she didn't have much time left, Isaac sent for Ivan, so he could say goodbye to his mother. After she passed Isaac felt he didn't have the capacity to run the country anymore and painfully asked Ivan to take over, knowing that it would take away the one thing that made him happy. Ivan unexpectedly agreed and over the next few months Isaac stayed around to transition power to Ivan. During this time, Ivan married the girl he brought home with him, one that his mother at least go a chance to meet and liked her from the start. He also was around to witness the birth of his second grandchild, Ion who gave him some joy in his time of sadness, as he could see the future of his family growing. After the full transfer was complete, Isaac set out and settled down on his own deep in the northern forest, giving himself a new name, Arturo so that he could fully let Ivan out from under his shadow. He spent some time taking on Hunting contracts on his own to keep himself busy and his mind off his sadness. Years went by until one day two fox boys wandered into his forest and were attacked by enemies. He watched the young boys dispatch them easily, though unrefined with their approach and then confronted them. After talking to them for a bit, he realized on of the boys was his grandson Ion, who didn't recgonise him as he was just a baby when they first met and due to his name change. He decided not to tell Ion who he was but offered to train the boys as he felt the need to help them hone their skills. Over the next few years he trained the boys weaponry and mystic skills until he saw they were ready to take on situations on their own. He recommended them for in-statement in the Contract Hunters which they were able to bypass the trials. Proud of seeing what his grandson was becoming, Isaac decided it was time to step out of their way as the boys took on smaller contracts to continue honing their skills. It wasn't until a few years latter when Ion and Zephyr returned to him, now with Ion having a mechanical arm, wanting to learn even higher level skills. Disappointed that they went above their skill level he agreed to teach them higher level skills so that they would be prepared for anything
Isaac's pose in this image is taken from when he was younger, when the civil war started, thats why he looks slightly different from the way he looks in the character sheet as in that, he is shown in his older years, after he left Norland to Ivan and started training Ion
arctic fox
blood moon
5 years, 1 month ago
21 Jan 2020 01:06 CET
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