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Honesty on Race
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Gotta level with ya, I'm sick of seeing the constant barrage of hate towards my country, England, and the english-speaking world in general. "Whiteness" is a word I've seen used as a pejorative on national television, on many occasions. There are so many people who focus on the absolute worst aspects of my country or the USA, to the point of hyperbole and even outright lying to make it look worse. It's like these places can only be represented by a single fraction of the reality, only the worst fraction, with everything good being ignored. So much so, that focus is so narrow, that people will even embrace the worst political systems in the world as if they're honest-to-god better alternatives. This is braindead nonsense, outright malevolent nonsense at that. It shows a profound level of ingratitude and a perspective completely lacking in balance, so that no matter how disgusting is the behaviour of people in other nations, other cultures or other races for that matter, the state of the world is only the fault of the evil, evil white english-speaker. Holding people from my culture especially accountable, uniquely culpable, has the effect of destroying the relevance, autonomy, responsibility and dignity of everyone else. To not be thought responsible for your own behaviour is ultimately to be held in patronising contempt. Yet these white-hating inquisitors have the gall to accuse people like me as being the truly hateful ones, while they despise otherwise decent human beings and pretend the rest of humanity are helpless, innocent babes. What they don't hate, they insult with their lofty arrogance.

I'm not ashamed of my country's history, the first to fight and end slavery, spreading technology, law and culture around the world. For all its flaws and evils, elsewhere behaved much worse, so pretending there is a nation or people out there without blood on its hands is childish in the extreme. I'm a decent man, I don't go out of my way to hurt others and I don't celebrate tyrannical social practices, censorship or authoritarian values. Maybe it's because I'm no longer in my 20s, maturity brings clearer perspective, but I won't be told I'm a piece of garbage by thoughtless, unethical tin-pot despots who pretend they're adorable ickle fluffums, while they treat everyone in their sights like utter shit. I say people should show some gratitude for what they have now and then, and stop pretending they're oppressed and are owed something. And to stop being racists.

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male 1,189,119, raccoon 36,492, cartoon 23,274, politics 479, england 171
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 5 years, 2 months ago
Rating: General

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5 years, 2 months ago
God bless the anglosphere  <3
5 years, 2 months ago
My dream is to visit London for a few weeks even if its not sunny much there.
5 years, 2 months ago
I really dislike London and these days it is majority non-English. Has some very important buildings and landmarks, but it isn't England there anymore.
5 years, 2 months ago
That is....really sad :(
5 years, 1 month ago
Hold on to ya cute lil fuzzy butt, kiddo... Wait until the Caliphate proper sets in and it turns into a new Mecca. That's not so bad.. the fact that furries and such will then be hunted down and yeeted off rooftops? That's gonna be pretty bad.
5 years, 2 months ago
but india was better when everyone was living in shit starving with no basic industrial structure

you damn imperialists! stop modernizing the world!
5 years, 2 months ago
Funny how the ones calling X racist would actually go into panic mode if those X actually acted racist. AKA it's easy to demonize someone when you know that someone is NOT a monster who would kill you just for saying something, especially something they know not be true. Ironically, actual monsters get a free pass in the name of "diversity", not that they need anyone's permission to continue acting like barbarians.
5 years, 2 months ago
As important as it is to remember the sins of the past so they aren't repeated (especially if the same tactics appear repeatedly) it's equally important to exalt the achievements so we're capable of making more. If anyone were to take a dispassionate, objective look at history, it's very likely a far fewer nations would be labeled as outright evil over simply existing and moving forward.  Were mistakes made?  Natch.  Did some people reap a profit from those mistakes at the cost of others? Obviously.  Does that deserve to overshadow and vilify the rather obvious benefits a nation's existence brought to the world, even to those people who paid the cost?  The massive expansion of humanity's collective knowledge and increase of our standard of living?   No, not at all, that's insane.  And it does become irksome when there are people who make the claim that road not traveled would be better or worse like they have some extra perception of the way time moves.

This probably isn't helped by mankind as a whole's love of an underdog story and ingrained belief that the big, powerful, and aggressive are inherently malevolent versus the more "innocent and pure" but smaller entities.  You always hear about how worthy David was, but how many people have anything good to say about Goliath?
5 years, 2 months ago
" You always hear about how worthy David was, but how many people have anything good to say about Goliath?

That's a really interesting point, when considering the full story of King David and his fall from grace later in life.  The scribes writing the history of the Babylonian Captivity seemed to relish blaming David's sins for the plight of Judea.
5 years, 2 months ago
I remember slowly emerging from youthful indoctrination in my early 20s, and began appreciating just what a monumental human achievement the modern Western world really is.  Studying deep history only increased this.  The natural state of humanity for at least 6-7,000 years has been tyranny, slavery, injustice, shit, disease, starvation, infant mortality, tribal dehumanizing bigotry, and so on.  In most of the world, this is still the case.

It was the British Empire outlawed slavery, went total war on pirates, began the late 17th century scientific revolution that has led us to the miracles of the 21st century.  It even gracefully allowed its world empire to peacefully achieve local independence.  That might have been a mistake, but one shouldn't condemn the Empire's growth on one hand and ignore the unprecedented voluntary decline on the other.

Hatred for the West, for the Anglosphere in particular, seems like something borne of spoiled, childish anti-parental rebellion.  They cloak it in righteousness and a doctrine of original sin, but these people always sound like ignorant brats with terminal Gramscian brain damage.

Also, English is the greatest language in the world, in large part because English speakers are not all bigots and we happily incorporate anything from any other language we find useful.  It's a complex language, but getting to a basic level of intelligibility is trivial, and there is so much redundancy built into it that even a butchered utterance can be understood by a native speaker.

We in the English-speaking West may get a lot of small stuff wrong where other cultures don't, but holy hell have we gotten the big stuff right.
5 years, 2 months ago
You forgot to mention how humble you are.
5 years, 2 months ago
Texan with Scottish heritage by way of Ireland, and proud of it, boyo.  Your attempt at shaming falls flat, I'm afraid.
5 years, 2 months ago
The places in the world still going through the worst shit are hindered in improving so long as there's an Anglo scapegoat to blame everything on as well. The corrupt filth who run those countries barely get a share of condemnation. It's always someone else's fault.
5 years, 2 months ago
Scapegoating is always such an easy path to avoiding responsibility.  Why struggle to improve yourself and your environment when you can merely point at those people and blame everything on them?  It's the behavior of both low character and low intelligence.  I have compassion for the mentality, because humans, but pretending it's not vile behavior is just ridiculous on the part of those who support it.
5 years, 2 months ago
" Hatred for the West, for the Anglosphere in particular, seems like something borne of spoiled, childish anti-parental rebellion.

Pretty much the whole thing in a nutshell.
5 years, 2 months ago
and the Tories want to wipe away that history, which people need to learn from so to stop acting like cunts. #VoteOutTheTories #VoteLabour
5 years, 2 months ago
I wouldn't trust the Tories as far as I could throw them, especially after the catastrophe that was May's tenure as leader, but what really makes you think modern Labour is better?  (Full Disclosure: I am Texan and have no dog in this fight.)

Also, what do you mean by "want to wipe away that history."  Explain?  Curious.
5 years, 2 months ago
Labour are even worse, full of fuckin socialists. Most of parliament in general is full of traitors to the country. Labour are the ones who want to teach kids to despise the British empire and where they're from. The problems in the UK now are not a Tory problem, they're stemming from the entire political and media class.
5 years, 2 months ago
For all the good England has done I prefer the European Romance countries. The Anglo-Saxon countries are the source of much of the sexophobia and intolerance and hatred when it comes to sexual preferences that we see today. That's not my cuppa.
5 years, 2 months ago
That's Christianity.
5 years, 2 months ago
In part, but England has spread it nevertheless and here we are.
5 years, 2 months ago
No, the curtailing of sexual practices has always been a thing in every civilisation, because it is such an important part of humanity. Widespread promiscuity and the devaluing of families and marriage has had many detrimental effects, like single parenthood and the wider spread of dangerous STDs. The reasons for there being social rules regarding sex are not just arbitrary tyranny by evil schemers rubbing their hands at the prospect of dominating others. Pretending the English are some special source of prudishness or sexual repression is utterly ludicrous. All societies negotiate on this subject and always have. Aside from this, there are countless other issues and areas of consideration to look at. The idea that the English world is shit because you've wrongly judged it on a single issue is just a reflection of your own narrow mindedness.
5 years, 2 months ago
That's an interesting way of phrasing "protestants are socially uptight about sex."  Not really a huge insight.  Then again, was Syphilis ever known as "the English Pox?"  I mean, sure every nation named it after their disliked neighbors, but I'm not sure I've heard it directed at England.  Plenty uses of "French Pox," though.  Hm.
5 years, 2 months ago
I love England mostly for the fact they don't needlessly chop off skin from newborn's penises. :P
5 years, 2 months ago
Those who hate English speaking countries as "whitness countries" should realize there several English speaking African countries...To name some but not all;
South Africa

Granted there are white and Asian people who do live in those countries. However, most of the population in those...so called whiteness English speaking countries...is indigenous black.

By the way, the official language in India is English...Even though much of their Bollywood movie songs are in Carnatic and Hindustani.  
5 years, 2 months ago
You know, Roarey...There's a bit of a funny coincidence in the timing of when you posted this journal about "those who despise England"...
...Only 12 hours earlier, I posted a character ref sheet of my fursona, which in the section of "Background/History", I've depicted my fursona's dad, Makori Mongoose, making a negative remark about colonial British politicians during the time Kenya was getting it's independence...And my fursona's mom, Aluna Mongoose, getting on Daddy about expressing those things while the cubs were around.

" There were times in the early 1960s when Kenya was getting it's independence granted from Great Britain, that when the family was out on a road trip to town, Makori would rant about the colonial occupation Kenya had recently been under.
"Theh ought ta put all thos Breetish politiceens in row boawts, an mek them row all tha weh bok ta Eengland", Makori had at times ranted while driving along with the family.
Aluna would tell Makori, "Makori! Weh don't need theese kind a talk en tha preesents of tha coubs".

5 years, 1 month ago
Welcome to dysgenic culture. Welcome to the end of all things.
5 years, 1 month ago
Not as an attack... But we kind of ask for this. White people are the only ones who are susceptible to this kind of thing. No other race feels guilt the way we do over stuff that was done before they were even ALIVE. Usually before their parents or grand parents were alive. Original sin is a unique white christian concept which is being used to fillet us living. Until we, as a people, pull our heads out of our asses and say no more, we will have to accept our self flagellation.
5 years, 1 month ago
Well I'd also say it's a result of white people being held accountable in ways that other races aren't. There is collective racial blame routinely levelled at white people, it is socially acceptable to do it. But yes, you do have a good point, this guilty self-abasement many white people do is ridiculous. It is something that seriously needs to change. I wouldn't lay it at the feet of Christianity though, it isn't a white religion and didn't start out as one either.
5 years, 1 month ago
Now.. I will agree that it was an abrahamic root and started in the middle east, but Christianity essentially became the near sole property of white people. Most of the middle east picked up Islam with the poor older brother, Judaism, being violently beaten by everyone who laid eyes upon it. Just because of the stupid banking hang ups that the younger siblings developed, leaving the Jews as the only ones who could handle money. If you wish to dissect it further, I would give you that Christianity got cut in half with old Europe keeping Catholicism and the new world and more northern Europe picking up Protestantism and the Protestant work ethic which boot strapped the industrial revolution and the eventual conquering and civilizing of the world into its modern state.
5 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, I've spent over 15 years learning about christianity and religion in general XP. I just don't place white guilt as something that Christianity produced. I mean most of the far left people who flagellate themselves on this issue aren't religious at all, but in fact despise Christianity. I think that there isn't genuine guilt behind the people saying this crap, it's more of a boast, a shorthand for calling oneself virtuous and conscientious, a good person. If they genuinely felt bad they would take it more seriously, because they never acknowledge that by claiming whites are to blame for the evil in the world they're simultaneously claiming that other races of people are weak and helpless, that they can't be held accountable for their own actions the same way whites can. They're calling non-whites children, basically. I don't think it's a religious impulse, I think it's a necessary defence to keep holding on to a political ideology.
5 years, 1 month ago
... You also have spent bizarre amounts of time studying the beliefs of people? We shall have hug now!
Hmmm.. To actually respond... Isn't this just the return of The White Man's Burden redressed for a modern age? And without the pride?
5 years, 1 month ago
Hard to say, but either way it is not based on reason, or logic, or common sense, so one has every justification to outright reject it for the empty twaddle that it is XP.
5 years, 1 month ago
I just pray the next generation, who are going to be MUCH more conservative to rebel against their ultra-liberal parents, take over quickly. Why does everyone always forget that society is a giant pendulum and the harder you push, the harder it's going to swing back and slam you in the face?
5 years, 1 month ago
What I mostly hope for is that people learn to celebrate individualism again, so the overton window will shift so that politics can be free from these extremist, collectivist philosophies. I mean they're going to keep existing but the tragedy is that it's mainstream politics. Conservatism and liberalism are both great things and that constant conflict between them is necessary and  healthy, but these extremes are poisonous. Socialism, anarchism, fascism, communism, theocracy, they're bloody awful.
5 years, 1 month ago
Only after the massive leftist push is brutally countered by a hard right punch to the nose then hundreds of smaller skirmishes as both sides claw at each other. Finally, we shall have peace again once both sides are too exhausted to lift a hand against the other. Or we find an entirely new economic area. That works too. Every time we find an entirely new thing to exploit, we have a massive rush of individualism and progress. The new world, the industrial revolution, the post world war period, the internet... And now? Now we don't have anything new to get us focused and going.
5 years, 1 month ago
What's this "we" nonsense, speak for yourself. I have internalized the difference between the living and the dead.

Furthermore, this is a difference which is recognized in the non-insane parts of the bible:
"For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun." -Ecclesiastes 9:5-6

I think of that verse anytime anyone mentions slavery or imperialism. (unlike the rest of you though, I ALSO think of it any time anybody mentions the USSR and any time mentions 9/11; it's been 28 years and 18 years respectively - GET OVER IT)
5 years, 1 month ago
... I am trying to process this. And your thread necro. Isn't christianity entirely BUILT on "your ancestors fucked up, suffer"? All the way back from GENESIS? The religion's entire foundation, purpose, and reason for existence is that what people in the past have done effecting everyone to come. Isn't that the entire POINT of Jesus?
5 years, 1 month ago
Like I said in my initial post, Ecclesiastes stands out due to the fact that it isn't flagrantly insane the way the rest if the bible is. Whereas rest of the bible is a motley assortment of of unmedicated schizophrenics and ignorant barbarians  ranting like lunatics, mutilating their own bodies, and engaging in centuries long hillbilly blood feuds, the Book of Ecclesiastes actually displays genuine wisdom and insight
5 years, 1 month ago
Of course it's the opposite. Such is the strength of a pervasive, cultish ideology. It's funny how more Orwellian they become.
5 years, 1 month ago
It's like that scene in The Life of Brian


"The romans take everything we have and what have they given us in return?"
"The aquaduct"
"and sanitation"
"and the roads"
4 years ago
But if their racism is written in a language I can't read, it never happened.
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