On a July weekend in 1960, Sheldon Wolf makes a run out from his hometown of Denver, Colorado with a load of new Plymouth automobiles to be delivered to dealerships in Antonito, Colorado, Albuquerque, New Mexico and Las Cruces, New Mexico. The Plymouth Fury nine passenger station wagon that Albert and Margret Coyote ordered is on this load, though not shown in this pic. No doubt it is noticed the cars don't have their wheel covers on...New cars come out of the factory with wheel covers and other accessories packaged up and placed on the back seat. The dealerships always put the wheel covers on new cars. Owner's manuals are in the glove compartments. And factory assigned titles and keys are kept in the cab of the truck with the driver.
The entire rig will be revealed in the next part of "Clarence Coyote and Project Courier".
The rest of it is not completed yet, and I still have some images to be done that I want to post with that part of the story.
Sheldon Fredric Benson Wolf (his full name) is the owner and independent operator of the semi tractor. The trailer is owned by Great West Auto Transport. Great West contracts independent truckers to haul their trailers, rather than to take on the endeavor of maintaining a fleet of their own semi tractors.
When ever Sheldon Wolf makes a delivery run that takes him to Las Cruces, there is a 24 hour diner he always stops at, Janet 'n' Moe's Diner 24 (owned by Moe and Janet Tayra). https://www.google.com/search?q=tayra+animal&hl=en&...:
The Diner 24 has great blue plate specials, awesome home made deserts they are well known for, and a jukebox with mostly country music selections...And it is said by the locals that Janet and Moe Tayra have the best coffee in Las Cruces. These are some of the selections Diner 24's jukebox had in 1960...Three links are provided for each song being that Youtube has a propensity for killing music videos on their site;