All the uploading of Toto and I haven't really done much for my main sona haha! I need to get around to upoading stuff of my other characters as well. In any case, here is something fairly recent.
Here we have a picture of Stormy wearing a hat and draped over a pumpkin that was meant for Halloween, but missed the date by a bit.
Even still, it's a really picture and I'm glad to share it with all of you! I love how shiny Stormy's scales are made in these from him and how cute he always ends up looking. Stormy isn't too good at being scary, but maybe he can cast a different kind of spell on everyone~ And for the lingering question of why Stormy would be a witch and not a warlock? He doesn't know what the difference between the two are and just thinks witch sounds cuter, so he just called himself that instead. Besides, he wouldn't be manly enough to get the title of warlock.