Turns out I'm good at Pseudo-3D stuff.
When I make the characters I'm making some games with this.
Not sure what to do but something that can be trun based for now.
Not that this technique is limited to that oh no.
Most likely an adventure game or RPG or both.
Can't promise much in the way of sprites so don't expect PNX/400+ games or something equally stupid.
Anyway I want to start small so a basic METAL-type would be fine.
I'm not limited to space so huge areas are fine.
I am however limited in movement.
For a start the camera can only face due north, east, south and west.
Also there's no jumping or crouching and no looking up or down.
I do plan to try and rectify this in future with a camera that can look in 26 directions.
that's the bearings N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW.
and the ability to look straight up, straight down and at 45 degree elevation and declination.
and that's from all bearings.
No it is not impossible. I'm much closer than you think.
You'd be amazed what I have achieved.
But that's the distant future.
Right now I need to start small so I'm experimenting with simple adventure games.
EDIT (2017/10/19 7:37PM):
Rotating the camera and moving side to side in any way other than skipping 1 meter along an axis uses 120 sprites. that's the entire sprite budget.
if you had any kind of interface or objects in the 3D world it seriously be pushing the cache threshold.
i know more powerful PC's can run it no problem but you understand that it would also mean the average joe and their notebook would not be able to play it and that's most of everyone.
the other way uses 62 sprites which is way below the budget.
that doesn't mean it can't be as fast paced.
I've got a lot better at this from experimenting and I can finally have more than 1 enemy character on screen at once which opens up a whole new ball game of possibilities.
It's only possible however by using an interface with a maximum of 8 sprites.
But by reusing the 'Forward' and 'Backward' buttons here as 'Previous Page' and 'Next Page' and reusing the 'Attack' button as 'Exit Menu' you can actually get away with a 4 option selection using the remaining buttons. I dare say even implement the dreaded 400+ system on it.
Also as you can see there's a lot less stats on screen. There will be ways of looking these up but most importantly I left a health bar though this is generated in the text box.
The backdrop-less interface also allows you to see more of the ground in front of you which in play testing has been a godsend.
7 years, 5 months ago
19 Oct 2017 18:45 CEST
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