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JohnSamer98's Gallery (47)

Directorium ad Trio Fabulosa Dracones (DTFD)

Experimenting With Pseudo-3D Stuff For Future Games
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Warmind Starville - All Races Of Typeverse
Left - Guu the Dak'akda (Drake/Awkdou AKA Goose/Worm). The Flatworm Brawl character.
Center - Iii the Dawa'ka (Douwan/Drakaina AKA Otter/Manatee). The Seal Rogue character.
Right - Nan the Daka'bi (Dragon/Dabi AKA Crocodile/Sheep). The Goat Druid character.

All are female.

Yes the floor, sky and doorway have no textures yet. I noticed.
below will have a grass texture outdoors and a floor texture indoors.
above will be a sky box outdoors and ceiling textures indoors.

Uses a system similar to 400+ options however it's more like 300+ since 86 of the instructions will not be used (combat and travel) and several things have been shuffled around meaning some instructions form a double purpose.

Despite visually the character's having a set appearance there is customization in terms of stats, clothing and weaponry as well as trinkets, skills and consumables.

These three are the player characters and other races exist though they're not playable. Also you can expect a variety of different monsters and animals.

Contains large open areas with towns and dungeons and shops and camps.

Set in a medieval fantasy and science fiction universe (no, not Albion).

Classes are not set in stone when you pick a character, nor are stats. They can be messed around with at any time.

There will be stealing and crafting mechanics and the skill tree system is somewhat Skyrim-like.

Exploration is key and that's not just specific to roaming around. There 300+ options for a reason.

the maths on this is always changing and for the better.

be ready for the third dimension.

male 1,197,049, female 1,087,655, game 12,583, car 7,570
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 7 years, 5 months ago
Rating: General

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7 years, 5 months ago
Well I presume the DM stands for Death Maze since you were saying you wanted to remake it in first person.

are there really 6 games of this crap?
7 years, 5 months ago
the DM does not actually stand for Death Maze. This is going to be a different game.

Damn, I only just realized I have 2 game titles with the same initials.
I can't reveal yet what DM6 means but the 6 is not the number of iterations.
It's just all one phrase DM6. It's pretty obscure slang so don't know if you'll get it.
What it means is somewhat of a reveal of the game so I can't go into it.
7 years, 5 months ago
basically you fucked up naming this shit.

since it's letters and ends in a number i'm guessing it's a DSEG interface code.

never heard of that one though.
7 years, 5 months ago
yeah, it's a DSEG code. like the 6 in PN6, the number is the number of options.

what DM means though you'll have to figure out yourself.
7 years, 5 months ago
well PN stands for positive-negative but I've never seen an M.

D is used a lot but I don't know any with M in it.
7 years, 5 months ago
well that's the challenge
7 years, 5 months ago
nearest i got is MDA, metal-type DSEG adventure.
7 years, 5 months ago
well i didn't get the letters the wrong way around.
i made absolute sure of that.

there are a ton of MD based phrases but this is specifically DM.
7 years, 5 months ago
D normally goes on the right.

i'm stumped.
7 years, 5 months ago
good. i didn't want it to be too easy.
7 years, 5 months ago
oh i'll figure it out. i'm sure of it.

since you posted a title card and not an interface i'm guessing the interface is a clue.
7 years, 5 months ago
no not really.

keep guessing.
7 years, 5 months ago
anything to do with the fact that's a corvette?
7 years, 5 months ago
you're just stabbing in the dark now
7 years, 5 months ago
startin to look a lot like Death Maze, Jay
7 years, 5 months ago
oh come on. just because it's first-person on a grid.

it's not the only first-person game i ever made.
7 years, 5 months ago
well this is certainly not the same game you showed before
7 years, 5 months ago
yeah the car thing was a placeholder.

this is the stuff i'm working on.
7 years, 5 months ago
this game's actually pretty cool as long as you don't keep redesigning it.

the 300+ system works just fine as far as you've got.
i thought there'd be a lot of blanket statements but you seem to relish in the details.
i think this kind of game might be your thing.
7 years, 5 months ago
yeah i think the 300 is definitely more my thing and pseudo 3D stuff.

i like to type rather than visual design and 300+ is mostly text.
pseudo 3D is visual but due to its limitations on sprite count it seriously reduces the design work a lot.
7 years, 5 months ago
i think you need to swap the menu and attack buttons around though and make the buttons either side of forward bigger or you wont be able to fit the dialogue options on it.
7 years, 5 months ago
yeah i think you're right about that. give me a sec to fix it.
7 years, 4 months ago
I know what a DM6 is now.

D = directory.
M = monster.
6 = the number of options.

The DM6 are-
- Swallow - put it in your stomach.
- Upchuck - get it out your stomach.
- Absorb - make it part of you.
- Desorb - remove it from being part of you.
- Melt - make it liquid or digest it.
- and Reconstruct - make it back into a person.

those are 6 options Jay always leaves out of his adventure games because he hates vore.
7 years, 4 months ago
you know I'm regretting calling it something obscure like DM6 more and more each day.
D is directory but M isn't monster and DM7 or DM8 is the normal structure with the extras being internal communication and hypnotism or some combination of both called Preyspeech.

I think I might as well give this game a proper name now as the guesses for what it stands for are getting increasing crude, rude and disturbing. So it's not gonna have an ambiguous title no more and that might give the secret away so i'm just gonna say it outright and not make it a secret in the game so it's not a spoiler. It means redesigning everything but I'm early enough into the game that I can actually do that.

the 6 are the 6 kinds of Wyrm from mythology. Drake (goose), Dragon (crocodile), Awkdou (worm), Drakaina (manatee), Douwan (otter) and Dabi (goat). Notice, they all begin with D, or at least they would do if Dou hadn't become Awkdou to prevent confusion with Douwan due to the way the are spelled in Latin text.

the M is for Myrthra, which is old Latin for fantastic as in made up and not real. It's the origin word of Myth and Mirth in English.

together they are creatures the Romans believed were made up by the Scandinavians and not real.
7 years, 4 months ago
i see the otter, the goat and the worm but where's the rest?
7 years, 4 months ago
actually i decided to double them up.

Guu (on the left) is both goose and worm,
Iii (in the center) is both manatee and otter and
Nan (on the right) is both goat and crocodile.
7 years, 4 months ago
wait, i think i messed that up.

I can remember who's goose, otter and crocodile now.
7 years, 4 months ago
either way that's 3 and not 6.

i still think i'm right on the vore.

you're only changing it to throw us off the scent.
7 years, 4 months ago
why on Earth would I post a vore game here where people I know can find it?
if I made a vore game it would be under a different identity on some obscure website.
not that i have any interest in vore in the first place.

i mean, I'm okay with you using my characters and even my persona in vore fetish works because everyone is entitled to their own freedom of interest but I'm not gonna take part in that stuff myself no matter how much and your weird friends want me to.

i've even stayed relatively outside the furry fandom to avoid people asking for it much to my own sacrifice since i missed a huge chunk of the internet's history by doing so.

it's one of the things i've been extremely late to jump on the bandwagon on but i've maintained my support for furries throughout and it took me a long time to make the decision to take up an anthropomorphic goat persona.

these things i feel very strongly about and i don't do them on a whim like some of us. I'm not going to take part in all your perverted games. I'm not into sex, I'm not into fetishes and I'm not into vore, sexually or otherwise.

I'm no noob to this stuff i simply choose not to take part. Not in a narc sort of way but more that it just aint my interest so stop asking. Now I'm surely gonna have a lot of fun on Fur Affinity with all the people who can keep stuff in their pants.
7 years, 4 months ago
protests too much
7 years, 4 months ago
i'm only protesting as much as you're asking.

what people from the outside don't know is that you and your friends constantly pester me with requests.

it might look like i'm blowing out of proportion but there's been a big build up to this.
7 years, 4 months ago
not really much of an explosion considering everything we've done
7 years, 4 months ago
that's because this isn't the time or place.
7 years, 4 months ago
whatever closet. you're still not honest about being gay yet so i'm just gonna leave that on the table and run.
7 years, 4 months ago
i'm not gay, i'm bisexual and before anyone asks yes i'm sure about that. personally it would be much easier for me to say i'm gay than being bisexual. bisexuals get it worse than either of the other two. nobody believes you. they think you're half out of the closet or being greedy. i'm sure of what i am. and what i am is uninterested in sex as well as being bisexual. i'd like to have romance with someone one day and sex doesn't matter. no that doesn't mean i'm into bestiality either. i like humans, just not a particular sex. i see the value in both. no i'm not asexual because i don't abstain from sex. if i had a partner and i loved them very much i would have sex but sex for fun is not my thing. even though i'm bisexual and most people think that goes hand in hand.
7 years, 4 months ago
i'm pushing all your buttons today.
7 years, 4 months ago
i just want it to be clear. i've stated my point and that's covered everything.

and if you want me to keep doing the 3D work for Bovid Wars I suggest you be a little nicer to me.
7 years, 4 months ago
i've already got what i wanted. someone else can finish the rest for me.

so yeah a goat huh? so you're some sort of satanist are ya?
7 years, 4 months ago
you're just trying everything aren't you?

do you think you're actually upsetting me at all?

i'm only ranting to cover all bases. once things have been said there's no need for more arguing.

i've already said many a time why goats and goat people are not specifically tied to the devil. I know being an atheist doesn't help my argument but it doesn't mean I'm without faith. I just don't know who to side with.

I value Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc but that doesn't mean it's for me. This whole you're either for us or against us mentality is a real turn off. I don't hate religion though many think i do.

I just don't like the people who use it as a tool for their own beliefs at the suffering of others. That's not something I want to be part of. I'm sure there's a passage in whatever religion you could mention about people abusing faith for gain or their own superiority complex. That whole Roman idea is wrong to me.

I just want to worship whoever it may be in my own ways. I believe there's something or someone there controlling events and I pray to them and thank them for what i have but as for their identity i'd rather just say thank you to whoever it may be.
7 years, 4 months ago
you're gonna wind up like Dorian Grey
7 years, 4 months ago
no because what i ask for are humble requests. i ask for the strength to get through the day or that people who need help will find it, not to be rich or young forever.

whatever deity grants me those things must be aligned with good right?

if that means i'm making a deal with satan then that means satan cares about how i care about other people and is willing to help the people i pray for without negative consequences for anyone. that's not the kind of devil that Christianity seems think it is. That sounds more like their idea of God so according to them that's who I'm praying to.

saying thank you whoever that was isn't glorifying any name at all. whoever it is cares about not just me, not just my friends and family but the well-being of the planet in general considering the wishes i've been granted. things like that show character. whoever it is can't be all that bad.

i guess i'm just winging it but i'd rather be grateful than disrespectful to whoever it was. they've done me a service and not just that i'd like it to continue but that means they put effort into helping me without and kind of seemingly reward. that is a valuable aspect of behavior i want to reward and i hope they can help others like they've helped me.
7 years, 4 months ago
i though you were gonna be all hail satan for a sec there but that's christian as fuck buddy
7 years, 4 months ago
no. not really.

i guess you just don't know much about any religion other than your own.

many religions preach exactly the same thing.
7 years, 4 months ago
i'll just take your word on that.

i think you've researched more about religion than me anyway.
7 years, 4 months ago
i remembered.

Guu is worm and goose,
Iii is manatee and otter and
Nan is goat and crocodile.

it makes sense when you look at the mythology.
7 years, 4 months ago
I like the new name.
7 years, 4 months ago
what's with all this latin?
7 years, 4 months ago
what a random selection of characters
7 years, 3 months ago
apparently all dragons
7 years, 3 months ago
name change?
7 years, 3 months ago
people were confused
7 years, 3 months ago
i like this game
6 years, 10 months ago
this game has so much unused potential
6 years, 10 months ago
there are many people who want to see this game.
i was wondering whether it was worth it for this obscure thing but now i think it might be a good place to start.
6 years, 10 months ago
it's very simple.
that's a great idea.
6 years, 10 months ago
well it's certainly good for practicing full perspective.
what i learn here will certainly help with games like bovid wars.
6 years, 10 months ago
i like both games.
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