Remember this Max?
Yes, you read that correctly. It's a remake of a game I made in 1991. Originally on a BBC Micro and wireframe. Officially my first game though it wasn't uploaded until 1994, which was after various titles had been made including Death Maze. It's really the forerunner to the Deathworks series and it had The Prodigy as a playlist loop in the 1997 version which was made in MSW Logo. It's been subject to numerous remakes since then and you can kinda see the Deathworks titles as derivatives. I'm tired of calling everything "Death" something so it's about time I injected some classic Jolabs culture.
Even though it is grid based it's anything but slow and it's a lot more akin to Twalfa or Doom.
It does actually run on FIAR 400 using a duality system between 2 terminals and that's the same way the original worked too and for a good reason, which you'll discover when you play the game.
Without characters it's 40 sprites. That leaves 60 spare for everything so you can imagine there's a lot of stuff.
7 years, 5 months ago
21 Oct 2017 06:19 CEST
Initial: 01a60c183bcd8e35620781335b197247
Full Size: 7702d72704f8ff400c52e89d18ca13da
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