The Tell-Tale Bulge
[At Bon Bon’s house…]
“Bon Bon, dear, our relatives are coming over this evening for a special party and this food is mainly for them but you’re welcome to help yourself to these brownies only after dinner, understand?” asked her mother.
“I understand,” replied Bon Bon. Boy do those brownies look good. [Later that day…] Maybe one couldn’t hurt. No, I can’t have any, my mom said so. Still, they look so good. *she takes a few and eats them* Uh-oh, now I have chocolate on my mouth. *she wipes her mouth* Whew, that was close. *she heads upstairs* Later that day…] Those brownies did a number on my weight. My belly now pokes out from under my shirt, which it wasn’t before I ate them. I sure hope my mom doesn’t see this. [Downstairs…] *the doorbell rings*
“That must be our relatives now,” said Bon Bon’s father. *he opens the door* Why hello, come on in.
“So good to see you all,” said Bon Bon’s Aunt, Germaine.
“Good to see you too,” said Bon Bon’s mother. *Germaine and Tim come in* We were just about to make dinner. Please, sit down and I’ll get you all some drinks. *she leads them into the Dining Room*
“Where’s your daughter?” asked Bon Bon’s Uncle, Tim.
“Bon Bon? Oh she’s upstairs,” said her mother.
“Bon Bon, come and see your relatives,” said her father. *Bon Bon slowly heads downstairs*
“I’m going to get it now,” thought Bon Bon as she continues down the stairs.
“Here she is,” said Germaine.
“Bon Bon, dear, could you see me for a second in the kitchen?” asked her mother.
“Sure,” said Bon Bon sadly. *she and her mother walk into the kitchen. [In the kitchen…]
“Bon Bon, you wouldn’t happen to be the one who ate 3 of my brownies, would you?” asked her mother. You’ve also put on weight since I last saw you today.
“I know,” sighed Bon Bon. They were just so good looking and I couldn’t help myself. It’s okay if I don’t have any after dinner, I deserve it.
“That and you’ll be grounded after dinner, tonight,” said her mother. Now your father has made dinner so go ahead and eat. *she and Bon Bon sit at the table and begin eating with the rest of their family*
“So what’s new with Bon Bon?” asked Germaine. Does she still go to that school?
“You bet,” said her father. Still hangs out with those friends of hers too.
“What does she want to be when she grows up?” asked Tim.
“She wants to be a……uh……” started her father. *Bon Bon waves her hoofs back and forth*……a dancer, yes that’s it. *Bon Bon sighs in relief*
“Our Bon Bon just loves dancing, right Bon Bon?” said her mother. *Bon Bon nods wearily*
“I couldn’t have them find out that I want to be a model, not with this weight,” thought Bon Bon. It’s way too embarrassing.
“Very interesting,” said Germaine.
“Yes,” said Tim. Is that teacher of hers still teaching, er something Hackney?
“Ms Hackney still teaches,” said her father.
“Good to hear that she’s still getting an education,” said Germaine. We’ll we’d better be going. It’s a long trip back home.
“Don’t you want to stay for dessert?” asked her mother. We have lovely brownies.
“No thank you,” said Tim. That dinner left us without any room.
“Oh well,” said her father. Thanks for coming. We hope to see you all again soon.
“Take care,” said Germaine.
“We’ll send a postcard later,” said Tim.
“Have a good safe trip,” said her mother.
“We will,” said Tim. *the two of them wave goodbye and Bon Bon heads to her room* [Inside her room…] Dear diary, I’m glad today is over. I don’t know what I would’ve done if my dad had told what I really wanted to be. I’m so glad he instead said I wanted to be something else since any of them were less embarrassing than becoming a model. My relatives would never have been able to fully understand if they knew. I know lying to them wasn’t the best thing for my dad to do but he knew I didn’t want them to know about it so that’s okay with me. I know my relatives don’t visit often but they’re still my relatives and I love them.