Pudginess Makes Perfection
[At school…]
“Alright, class, tomorrow is picture day,” said Hackney. Try to look your best and Patch, try not to do any silly faces for photo, alright?
“Okay,” sighed Patch.
“Since you all haven’t gone through how picture day is done, I’ll tell you for a lecture today,” said Hackney. Tomorrow, the photographer will come in and we’ll follow him outside to the back of the school to have each of you sit in front of the camera and smile. Sometime after that, you’ll get your pictures from me as I’ll hand them out the day they come in. [Later that day…]
“Wow, we’re getting our pictures taken,” said Melody. I hope he or she catches my good side.
“You mean our good sides?” questioned Starlight. I think we all have the same ones since we aren’t all that much different from each other.
“What exactly is our good side?” asked Sweetheart.
“Either side, Sweetheart,” giggled Patch.
“It depends on which way we face to the camera, Sweetheart,” said Starlight. We’ll want the side facing the camera to be the good side. We want our bellies to take part in the picture.
“Won’t that ruin the picture?” asked Sweetheart.
“We’re too skinny for that to happen,” said Bright Eyes. Sure we have some fat on us but it’s not going to be extremely noticeable. Of course, we’ll wear our most fitting outfits so to speak.
“What’s this I hear of pictures, dahling?” asked Rainbow Dash coming over.
“Everyone’s getting their pictures taken,” said Starlight.
“Oh of course, dear,” said Rainbow Dash. Sounds absolutely marvelous.
“I’m hoping all of my pink shows on the picture,” said Pinkie Pie.
“I’m not so sure that’ll happen,” said Bright Eyes. After all, it’s their smile they’re really after.
“Too bad I probably won’t be able to do different poses for my model career,” said Bon Bon. Then again, I don’t know how happy my parents would be when they’d see the photos.
“I’m sure it won’t truly be that bad,” said Sweetheart.
“Only time will tell,” said Starlight. [The next day…]
“It’s picture day today and I hope everyone is dressed accordingly,” said Hackney. We’re just waiting for the photographer to arrive and enter this room so we can go. [A few minutes later…] Oh good, he’s here. Ponies, I want you to meet Shawn, our Ponyville photographer.
“Thank you, Ms Hackney,” said Shawn. Now if you’ll all follow me, we can get this thing started. *he and the rest of the class follow* [At the back of the school…] Alright, I assume you were shown what to do for today?
“Yes, we went over that yesterday,” said Hackney.
“Good,” said Shawn. I’ll need all of you in a line so we can go one by one and on your turn, each of you will come up and sit on this stool. I’ll take a few photos and then you can hop off. *the class gets into a line and Starlight walks up, sitting on the stool* That’s it, perfect. *he snaps a few photos* Alright, you’re done. Who’s next? *Melody walks up* Just a little to the left. *Melody moves over* Good, right there. *he snaps a few photos of her* *ponies continue to move up when their turn comes, then get down* [Later that day…
“Thank you so much for doing this, Shawn,” said Hackney.
“My pleasure,” said Shawn. It’s my job. *the clock chimes 3PM*
“That’s the end of class,” said Hackney. See you all tomorrow. *the class walks out* [Outside…]
“I think we did pretty truly well getting our good sides,” said Sweetheart.
“I may not have gotten all the pink but I think most of my pink was captured,” said Pinkie Pie. *she giggles*
“You all were fabulous, dahling,” said Rainbow Dash.
“Now all we need to do is wait and see how our pictures came out,” said Starlight.
“I can’t wait for mine,” said Patch.
“I know I can,” said Clover. I was pretty clumsy getting up on that stool. I fell off as he was trying to take my photo.
“I’m sure yours is fine, Clover,” said Bon Bon. I think when those photos arrive, they’ll be great.