There’s Weight in Pounds
[Outside school…]
“Have any of you truly wondered just how much you weigh?” asked Sweetheart.
“Never thought about that, Sweetheart,” said Starlight. It would be interesting to find out.
“Isn’t that a little difficult with the fact that we’ve never weighed ourselves in the normal episodes?” asked Bright Eyes.
“Maybe we could truly use the weight of a real horse and go from there?” suggested Sweetheart.
“That’s a start,” said Melody.
“I’ve read that a real horse weighs around 1000 pounds so we’re probably ten times less than that plus the extra pounds we’ve put on in the last two years,” said Bright Eyes. That’d probably put all of us at 120 pounds each.
“Doesn’t that seem a little high, seeing as how we’re much smaller than real horses?” asked Starlight.
“We’re probably not that much smaller,” said Bright Eyes. Most likely only a few inches so I think 120 pounds is about right but it couldn’t hurt to get a more accurate weigh-in. *they head off to their houses* [Later that day…]
“You were pretty close, Bright Eyes,” said Melody. My scale said I weighed 118.5 pounds.
“Mine said I was 119,” said Starlight.
“That’s interesting that we don’t all weigh the same,” said Bright Eyes. I can’t imagine that our other friends weigh any more or less than we do.
“Just my luck, my scale broke, I guess I weigh the most,” said Clover.
“It could be that it was broken before you stepped on it, Clove,” said Bright Eyes.
“No, it broke when I stepped on it,” replied Clover sadly.
“You don’t look any fatter than the rest of us,” said Starlight. I wonder if it was just a cheap scale.
“That could be, we don’t generally have the money for expensive things,” said Clover. I’ll check the price on it and tell you guys tomorrow. *she heads home*
“Guess we’ll find out our more accurate weighs tomorrow,” said Bright Eyes. [The next day…]
“My scale was 9 dollars,” said Clover. So I guess that explains it, right?
“I think so, Clove,” said Starlight. Now let’s go see if we can find out a better guess for our weights.
“Where will we go?” asked Clover.
“There’s a place just down the street that weighs ponies for those interested in knowing how fit they are,” said Bright Eyes. [At the place…]
“Welcome to Weight Mania, I am Rodney,” said Rodney. I assume you all are here to be weighed, yes?
“That’s right,” said Starlight.
“Well step this way,” said Rodney. I have 7 scales laid out before you so just pick one and find out your weight.
“Great,” said Bon Bon. *they step on their scales*
“199?” questioned Bright Eyes. Is this right?
“It’s set to kilograms but you’re welcome to set it back to pounds,” said Rodney. *they convert their scales to pounds*
“That’s better,” said Bon Bon. I weigh 119.
“118 for me,” said Bright Eyes.
“I weigh 120 exactly,” said Melody.
“I weigh 121,” sighed Clover.
“That’s not too bad, Clover,” said Starlight. So what if you’re a pound or two heavier than the rest of us, we won’t make fun of you for it. *they leave*
“Thanks for stopping by,” said Rodney.
“That was truly interesting,” said Sweetheart. I never thought I was just over 120 pounds.
“It’s nice to know how much we really weigh so we can be more careful around things that aren’t so strong,” said Bright Eyes.
“Knowing about our weights will truly help us for the future,” thought Sweetheart. Now we’ll know if we’re really too heavy to step on something or whether it’s safe to be on it. That’d come in handy for ice skating in the winter.