This is a quick little test for Aval0nX. He mentioned that his game is getting quite large. This submission is intended to test a method of playing large flash files on sites that don't support large filesizes.
In this case, the original game is 1.32 MB, but it could be any size in theory. The flash file you see here on InkBunny is 126 BYTES!! (Even this description you're reading takes up more memory than that) As long as the original game is online, it'll be playable here.
The game itself is just a quick shooter I whipped up for a programming video tutorial I made. Game-making tutorial Unfortunately, my website's host likes to occasionally delete files larger than 5MB, so some of the videos might be missing.
Makes sense. The link to the actual file is already in the middle of the description. Just right-cllick and choose "save link" (I just now adjusted it to remove the trailing " so it'll work) It's a SWF file, so you need to drag it into a web browser to play it.
Makes sense. The link to the actual file is already in the middle of the description. Just right-cll