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Stare all you want... it won't move.
30 submissions
Jungle Eikarian Raider by ValkyrieMV
Jungle Eikarian Vinelasher by ValkyrieMV
Jungle Eikarian Hunter by ValkyrieMV
see 27 more
What we're really here for...
22 submissions
Calico's idle, walking, swinging! by ValkyrieMV
White Rabbit Fighter by ValkyrieMV
Metal Slug Style by ValkyrieMV
see 19 more
Just a little bounce is all it takes...
16 submissions
Reptilian Spearmaiden by ValkyrieMV
Calico's idle, walking, swinging! by ValkyrieMV
Red Ship by ValkyrieMV
see 13 more
Humanoid reptilian tribals.  Mob baddies with brains.
10 submissions
Jungle Eikarian Raider by ValkyrieMV
Reptilian Spearmaiden by ValkyrieMV
Jungle Eikarian Vinelasher by ValkyrieMV
see 7 more
Games that I made.
1 submission
Flying Hamtari by ValkyrieMV
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01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001
2 submissions
Red Ship by ValkyrieMV
BUN-E Running Sprite by ValkyrieMV
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Pixels done in limited time constraints with a loose idea.
17 submissions
WIZARD by ValkyrieMV
Pink Imp by ValkyrieMV
Bunny Viking by ValkyrieMV
see 14 more
9 submissions
Icon WIP by ValkyrieMV
Animated Icon Finale by ValkyrieMV
My Booty by ValkyrieMV
see 6 more
2 submissions
WIZARD by ValkyrieMV
Pink Imp by ValkyrieMV
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