Greetings to all.
I'm an empirical cartoonist since I was seven years old. I accessed the web in 1999, taking advantage of wwoec, adult art sites and yahoo clubs! Joining DA on March 30, 2005, and also FA on December 21, 2005.
I'm back, giving accessible prices to my drawings. according to the conditions of not drawing humans, machines and funds (but I don't refuse to try).
I am not looking for meaning for fetishes, because every mind is a world.
We are all different and we have different tastes. And the basis of everything is respect. Mainly the thanks to all those, who see in my style, something they love or like.
The vision I have is to offer to those who support me, an extensive variety of solutions, from a sketch to a color drawing, accepting the help according to a budget, I provide quality according to my time guarantee from 7 to 56 days . So that the drawing or the drawings that they custom are of their personal or public pleasure.
My mission is that your support will help me do what I like, draw, and that you like it.
I thank and respect those who help me, because your help serves to make this gallery, formed by your tastes, pleasing to anyone who finds what they are looking for.
Welcome to my gallery and enjoy it
I'm Leinad, the cat of 56.
Gender: <No Available>
PD: All content is fictitious and does not represent anyone in particular.
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