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The Trophy


This, people, it's a trophy; a reward for have been an active member, a productive artist and, in resume, somebody who shared its creation, and tried to fight until the last moment for artistic freedom.

Well, will see the bright side of this shit; this "trophy" it's my exit ticket to finally leave fuckaffinity, now I don't have reasons to go back; also, almost all my fellows have leaved too so, go to hell fuckaffinity, SA is awaiting for you in the rock bottom
Viewed: 208 times
Added: 12 years ago
12 years ago
i bet if you tried to appeal. they would just trash your email lol
12 years ago
Dude, I've already tried to talk with those... people before, but if they haven't listened then, why would they listen now? It would be the ultimate waste of time x3

Edit: and yeah, they had no time to reply to my trouble tickets reporting harassment, trolling and copyright violations in the past, but they had time to browse my entire gallery finding for the lesser detail to have a reason to ban, even when they deleted all the illegal stuff before, and nothing in the gallery was actually illegal
12 years ago
well i have seen now there is a lot of ex cub artist that dont draw cub porn anymore in fa have been banned too i think they are just trying to get rid of them

well im gonna be serious with you, there is only one person keeping from not seeing fa anymore and if that person is banned too well i will not see fa anymore is not a lost at all, FA is boring now truly boring, not because of the cub porn banned is because of now everyone over there have fear of posting anything, they are crazy with power im starting to believe they want to be the new DA
12 years ago
Once upon a time FA was nice, till the day they brought the money grubbers aboard and started the holocaust.
I'd just wish the majority would leave to remember them who actually was / is the important part there... the artists, or some fat moneybags which dictate their nazi rules for a lousy penny.
12 years ago
Wow. Not even allowing censored pics with links?
That... that really makes me appreciate the admins here in IB.
They seem fine with even the most cursory censorship and a link.

I think the difference is that for the IB admins, their "no humans in sexy situations" rule is just to show they're complying with their local laws and ISP rules; but for the FA admins, their "no underage characters" rule is a personal crusade.

On the bright side, does this mean more arts for those of us in this more welcoming corner of the net?
12 years ago
Like somebody said some lines above, they're SICK WITH POWER. Links to IB, illegal? When was that new rule established? Was it Invented 5 minutes ago? =(o )__(  .)=
They too much busy being assholes to investigate me. After my art-block here on IB, I've traveled to FA, to hidden that gallery too, and avoid regular people to get complete images from there. So I replaced all colored images with their thumbnails and linked to the complete image on IB. Then the assholes surely assumed "It's on IB; surely must be UNDERAGE!!", and destroyed my account for that. So, they now are sick enough to think they can punish you for the contents you post in another sites. Whoa, that's a new level of assholeness, never thought I could be able to see that =(o )__(  .)=
Ultimate evidence to proof they just assume and act without thinking, without proof or evidence: all my colored works linked from fa were HIDDEN on IB, so they had no way to see them. Again, they just saw IB, assumed cub and banned me for the posts I upload in another website... That's FA administration people. HEIL!
12 years ago
HAH! Then the ban's even crazier (or crusadier) than it sounded at first, yeah.

Can't say I'm sorry that you've dumped them - I'm just glad you picked IB as your new home :D
12 years ago
In December my entire gallery was torched (aside from a few general submissions) for "linking to cub art on Inkbunny"... including submissions where the former cubart was replaced with a placeholder that didn't link anywhere because I didn't reupload it.

I don't bother with FA anymore.
12 years ago
BTW, Art-Block Experiment Ends Tomorrow :3 May 1st. May it's my month, so, I feel merciful >.3
12 years ago
your Trophy makes you sound like a criminal or a terrorist lol

Im done with FA too.  I hope IB never......EVER....go down the same road as them or SA.
12 years ago
Lol yeah

*Feels like a revolutionary icon*

Almost all the artist and fans I've mostly appreciated all those years are here now... except for two but... they will be here with us veeery soon :33
Hope the same about IB =/ Don't want to remember "the nice old times in this site" in the future too :C
12 years ago
Yeah, FA is suckn' it pretty bad nowadays.  They won't even let me post my Podcasts.  Assholes.  :V
12 years ago
I sympathize with you FC but on the other hand FA have had very strict rules on cub content for some time and antagonizing their super aggressive paranoid mods in any capacity these days is worthy of the classic red flag bull analogy. XD

Oh well I'm sure you'll continue to be welcome here, I for one sure would love to see more of your stuff. =)
12 years ago
Strict rules are fine, when reasonable.  Applying rules that aren't in the AUP -- not so fine.
12 years ago
Yeah it's why I I don't bother trying to post much of my cub stuff there and what I do is either edited to have no nudity (let alone sexual content) or is merely a "skimpy attire" type of doodling.  I figure its better to not tempt their idiotic wrath or I won't get to post anything there =P
12 years ago
Apparently, I just barely avoided this... and completely by accident.
I currently post submissions that use a text disclaimer as their image and link to the actual picture in the description.
But my thumbnails displayed censored versions of the pictures so people knew what the submissions were.
However, FA just revamped their thumbnail system, so custom thumbnails are no longer displayed.
So my disclaimer-submissions are kind of like journals that people can fav.

If I ever earn this "trophy," I'll have to mention that.
12 years ago
To think that two years ago, FA was the best furry site on the internet. And now... this.
But who cares? It's they're damn loss. Most of the things you like can't be found there anyway, so you won't be missing anything.

Unless somebody makes some serious changes, FA will keep going to shit until there's nothing left. With the way it is at the moment, I wouldn't be sorry if that happened. All the other sites that AlertPay tried to screw over stood up to them and found another way. But not FA. I bet they were glad.

IB es el futuro; FA es el pasado. That's all. :3
12 years ago
Me encantan los Trofeos ^^
12 years ago
They did the same thing to me, only didn't ban me. Posted a screenshot for my game, and posted a link to the game itself. I suppose it didn't matter that it wasn't a "cub porn game" per se, just that it was reported as such.
12 years ago
I still have cub porn in my gallery (from before the change in politics). And don't seem to bother me about it.
12 years ago
They just haven't found it, yet. My gallery got scrubbed a full year after the AUP was amended to ban cubs (even though I'd replaced all the offensive stuff with placeholders). It all got nuked for linking to offsite uploads of cubporn (i.e. Inkbunny) EVEN WHEN some of the uploads weren't uploaded anywhere else and just had a placeholder saying it'll eventually be on Inkbunny.
12 years ago
Flawless Victory :awesome:
12 years ago
*Outstanding* *Bwhahahahaha!*

*ShaoKhan's voice*
12 years ago
FA is a pretty stupid place now.
They even ban you for clean pictures of "cubs" that sometimes aren't even cubs!
12 years ago
they really gone to far on the AUP... btw.. it's their loss
12 years ago
The Trophy...and the link afterward. No more words needed! I laughed hard...with you! Sadly FA administration tends to be over-over-over-over...over-zealous by getting rid of everything, they don't like. But direct linkings too?  Just super crazy.
 If that would work, then i would wish to press the "FA Reset" button, which would reset the FA to the state in 2006, when I joined. But FA is being watched now, so it wouldn't work. It's sad to see, how freedom's balls are being tripped on so hard. It's good that the internet has possibilities to solve the problem, that FA created. I hope IB will be staying free as long as it can!

Congrats for the Trophy! =:3
12 years ago
They can't tell the difference between a cub theme and a size-difference theme. Also the site owner employs his fiancee & "soul mate" as a mod, which makes it highly unlikely any ruling by the fiancee would ever be over turned by anyone regardless how poor her judgement.
12 years ago
Yes that is a trophy.

Seemed to me like a perfectly reasonable and acceptable way to post stuff.

F(off)Affinity does not want cub. That is fine that is there right.
But posting censored (i.e. not in violation) pictures.
With links to a site that does not mind that content.
You did not host the materiel on there servers.

Seems like a intentional attempt to censor an artist.
Say that it is unacceptable to create.

12 years ago
Oh btw I don't surf FA anymore.
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