[largethumb]597335[/largethumb] There's been a bit of confusion caused by this picture, and I'm going to clear it up. Also, big thanks to FrancisJCat ( https://inkbunny.net/FrancisJCat ) for the lo...
BastionShadowpaw ( https://inkbunny.net/BastionShadowpaw ) brought up a suggestion that I thought has merit. It'll require community cooperation, but I think it could benefit everyone: Tagging commi...
At least that's what my mom tells me. I didn't do as well over the past year as I'd hoped this time last year, but all I can do is look ahead and try and do better. Talking about that, I've just sta...
bustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustin makes me feel good feel good feel good feel good feel good feel good feel good YEAH YEAH YEAH
bustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustinbustin makes me