Not having seen a journal entry here about him, I figured I would say something. I do understand that he is a bit of a social pariah here on IB, and that there are a great deal of folk that did not l...
Skibbity-boobeh, am I right? Yeah, I'm right. Really, though, thanks to folks for some kind words. Made me feel a bit better. My big thing is I'm about my family and getting to see them during the ho...
I write this more as a chance to maybe get some of my emotions out there. I'd like to hope to make myself feel better, but more than likely it's going to sound like some whiney-ass journal. DON'T READ...
A comic conceptualized by fa!DarkMask and myself, and wrote out and arted by fa!MobileMutt.
12 submissions
Your average rabbit. Blue with black highlights, piercings, and tattoos. Works for Walmart in real life as the department manager for the produce section. A rather apt position for a rabbit, don't you think? Otherwise really doesn't do much but play some games and sit around like a lump.