The name says it all. I'm Palmedo. I'm a rabbit, though I've never officially chosen a specific breed. As of posting this image I've been in the fandom for the past thirteen years. Older fur, but, not as old as some of the friends I have around here. People have asked where I picked the name up from. It was back in High School, 10th grade. Playing an altered version of D&D, the name just came to me after a moment of thinking while in character creation. I like the name.
There's jokes to be made because of pulling the crates of carrots, but, it does stand for my job. The shirt and pants denote my employment with Wal-Mart. The carrots show that I actually work in the produce department. In fact, I'm the department manager. A rather apt position for a rabbit, right? And yeah, you might go 'Eww, Wal-Mart'. But, let me put this in perspective. One, I'm happy to have a job. Especially when there's a lot out there still looking or struggling. And two, Wal-Mart's been good enough to me. I have no issues with my particular store or any of my managers. And a lot of the associates I work with are intelligent enough. Customers and that bullshit aside, I'm pretty comfortable and happy working there, so you won't hear me complain about it. Except for the occasional day I don't want to go in!
This is one of the pieces that I had fleshed out in my bestest best bunny friend's stream, Sal. He's such a good bun!
It's everybody's favorite stock bunny! I can agree with you about retail, if you get the right fellow employees and customers, it can be a good job at any store, that's why I seemingly keep coming back to it at least. :3
It's everybody's favorite stock bunny! I can agree with you about retail, if you get the right fello