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Unpopular Gaming Opinions

made this, and I can't help but continue it~

1. You ain't gotta defend a damn thing. They're not wrong gaming opinions, just unpopular ones.
2. Tag some people when you're done so it will spread around.

Here we- here we- here we go!

- Resident Evil 6 was one of the strongest titles in a series that was not as good as people remember it.

- The Megaman X series was better than the Megaman series, and the Megaman Zero series was superior to both.

- Castlevania: Lament of Innocence was severely underrated, and was released two years before God of War, so if anything, GoW aped Castlevania, not the other way around.

- There's nothing illegitimate about button-mashing in fighting games, or spamming projectiles. If you can't come up with a strategy to beat it, you aren't nearly as good as you thought.

- Sly Cooper has more satisfying sneak mechanics than any Metal Gear Solid.

- The Donkey Kong Country series suffered from extremely slippery platforming and badly executed control scheme gimmicks.

- Unless they're buggy and broken, nobody cares about graphics when they're actually playing the game. Not starting it up, not standing around waiting for matchmaking. Playing.

- Game reviewers are by and large even less dependable or objective than movie reviewers, and although I find Yahtzee funny, I'm often also annoyed by his inability to see past his own prejudices.

- Army of Two was the best couch co-op game in a long, long time.

- I hated Earthbound. It was an unintuitive mess filled with bland character designs and a soundtrack that never seemed to fit anything that was happening.

- Cartridges and solid state media are superior to discs in virtually every way, save capacity. We went from no loading time of anything to having it be so ponderous and ubiquitous that nobody even notices it anymore. Except me. : |

- I love characters with big, exaggerated tits and asses, and I hope they never totally go away.
- I want more games with awesome female protagonists like Beyond Good and Evil, and Megaman ZX Advent. More heroines like Aile, Ashe, Chell, *crosses fingers* and maybe Natalie Grayswift~?

I hereby challenge the following people to give us reasons to irrationally hate them!
Viewed: 380 times
Added: 11 years ago
11 years ago
I agree with the button mashing, game reviewers, earthbound, cartridges, and the last point about female protagonists

everything else I wouldn't know so well, although I do remember liking the co-op a bit with a relative when I played army of two a long time ago, and the graphical quality of games aren't so much important as it is the practicality and animation of them

also I was expecting that one about your hopeless fetishism (then again they could really make more lesbians)
11 years ago
Yeah, stuff that looks great still can be terrifying in animation, and vice versa.

I may be hopeless, but I'm not helpless! <3
11 years ago
I have qualms with Yahtzee just like you do. What makes it worse is that, for a while, my one friend practically inscribed all of his clearly biased opinions on stone tablets and made them commandments.

And hey, as long as there's guys like us around, exaggerated curves will never go away.
11 years ago
I didn't mind the change from cartridge to disc but I wish they had tried the minidisc format. Having a CD inside of a floppy type cover made scratching them near impossible in normal use.
11 years ago
That sounds okay in theory, but I remember the UMD format being really shit.
11 years ago
Natalie Grayswift?  Is there a secret project in the works?
11 years ago
No, that's why I crossed my fingers. I can dream, damn it all.
11 years ago
...At the very least, a side-scrolling platformer in Flash is doable.  One hopes!
11 years ago
UNpopular gaming opinions. UNPOPULAR. You're doing this wrong >:(
11 years ago
Are you kidding me? I've gotten so much flak for saying all of these things in the past! *laughs*
11 years ago
Of course with that being said...
Button mashing in games I agree with, The thing about game reviewers I agree with, a ton of these I don't give a FUCK about.
I disagree with the resident evil part. Six was turned into a bland call of duty clone and was suffering from a minor case of boring instead of survival horror.
You don't HAVE to like Earthbound of course, You just need to accept that it's a good game and has it's own charm to it. Or that everyone is a stupid dumb dumb that blindly likes it because no reason whatsoever.
11 years ago
"You just need to accept that it's a good game"

Nope! And I don't gotta defend shit. That's the point. : }
11 years ago
But you CAN agree that people do like it. People know it's a popular snes game. People know that it has a certain charm to it. Do you disagree on these things?
11 years ago
Lemme say it again, for those in the back row.
I don't.
Shit. :D
11 years ago
It's not defending, You're entitled to your opinion. But you can't argue with truth ^^
11 years ago
A completely subjective truth based on an opinion you're defending, and IDGAF! *spins around in chair*
11 years ago
Always love when people go around talking about opinions as if they're facts. From what I've heard, that's not as big a problem in britain. Something about their education system actually going into the details of facts and opinions.
11 years ago
Okay, now, this is brilliant.

I'm sick of the self-entitled pretentious game reviewers that toss around BS buzzwords.
Recently I stumbled across a reviewer panning a very good game, and behind all the bull they cooked up, throwing around terms like "does not follow modern gaming conventions", the only real reasons I saw for them disliking the game were that they were bad at it, and couldn't understand basic gaming concepts.
It was -infuriating- to read, they ended it saying the game was "poorly designed".

and it was infuriating as they did not state it as opinion, but as fact.
It feels like a lot of reviewers forget that they're -not- scientists.

I can appreciate these "unpopular gaming opinions" so damn much more
because I can go through the list, and if there's an opinion I may disagree with, I can at least -understand-, appreciate, and respect that opinion. I.e. I personally adored the megaman series and couldn't get into megaman x Zero all that much, but I can see how they improved upon things with each series.

For me, the first thing that comes to mind is the NES final fantasy 2 -wasn't that bad-. It did have some issues, but there were plenty of genuinely enjoyable moments in it.
11 years ago
Allow me to introduce myself.

 - Resident Evil was garbage from the get-go. Then again, it's Crapcom. :D

- Meh-gaMan? :)

- I never could get into Hassle-vania.

- I don't button-mash in games all that much. I do look for button patterns without looking at the moves list in most of the modern games, and seem to find decent ones. I don't seem to find the super ultra hyper mega fuck beam of doom that I watch people spam in games, but that's okay. As for the one move ponies (Hadoken. Hadoken. Hadoken. Hadoken. Hadoken. ...), I learn how to work around or through them. No complaints here.

- No opinion on Sly Cooper - he was on the wrong platform for me to play. But fuck Metal Gear anything.

- DKC was very slippery, even when I first started playing in the past. The game was okay, but eesh, all of the "goddamnit, DK, stop falling off that stupid thing!".

- People who play games for the graphics need to stop playing games and go back to whatever douchebaggery they are having fun with. I want storylines. I want plot. I want immersion.

- Lol. Yahtzee. I found him so useless that I added escapistmagazine to my personal hosts file, so I don't have to deal with his bullshit when people I know link me to him, not listening to my "Fuck Yahtzee" warning.

- Never got around to trying Army of Two.

- I liked Earthbound. Not loved it enough to mash it in people's faces like my balls mash against someone's chin. I found parts of the game intuitive (walking behind an enemy to start a back attack? Beautiful! Not having to fight a fight when you have to walk through seriously low level enemies to get someone, and just getting whatever drops/experience they have? Wonderful!). But the rest of the game was pretty vague here and there. Not worth the effort to try finishing.

- I think this is why I play PC games over console stuff. Here, have a two minute loading time. Sure, I get some loading time on PC, but generally, it's forgiveable amounts of loading time -- three to ten seconds, every once in a while, around the start of a level.

- I like sexpots that have no reason to be sexpots in video games. Vanessa Z. Schneider (P.N. 03) comes to mind. Ass Wiggle Attack, go!

- Faith isn't a hero as much as she was a rebel, but she was the heroine of Mirror's Edge. She also pretty much has a DFC. Her sister is better stacked than she is. ;)
11 years ago
Most unpopular opinion I have is that MGS is terribly overrated.
11 years ago
Here's my unpopular gaming opinion that may get me slaughtered - I hope Megaman never gets a new game. Period.
11 years ago
As far as button mashing goes, that's one of the reasons I like Dead or Alive. The counter grabs were pretty much made to prevent people from using the same attacks over and over again or try to whale on the enemy without style or finesse. Also large bouncing boobies.

On the same subject, Yoshimitsu was a favorite of mine in Tekken because if you learned how to get him to use his sword, he was almost unstoppable with his series of powerful, unblockable attacks. Pissed a LOOOT of people off that way.

I've never really considered Metal Gear Solid a stealth game. It has those elements, but as time goes on, they become less of a necessity and more of an option, which is fine.

What pisses ME off about games is when people make the argument to hate X because Y did it already or Z did it better.
11 years ago
Cartridges having instant load times was mostly a result of the games on them being small. In ye olde days, carts had enough pins and the carts were (capacity) small enough that the console could access them as extended RAM.  When the games get big on cartridge? Load times come back. It's a matter of transfer time from the storage media. Yes, CDs were way slower, but plenty of DS games have a little load time here and there, and 3DS games can have -annoyingly long- load times.
11 years ago
" I love characters with big, exaggerated tits and asses...
This just in: grass green, sky blue. More at eleven.
11 years ago
Shush. I needed the preamble. :p
11 years ago
All is forgiven. |3
11 years ago
Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha, I love big tits! X3
11 years ago
I agree with a lot of these, can't speak for castlevania, never played anything besides the SNES version.
11 years ago
> The Megaman X series was better than the Megaman series, and the Megaman Zero series was superior to both.
I agree with the former, and if the latter is true, I GOTTA play some Megaman Zero then.

> There's nothing illegitimate about button-mashing in fighting games, or spamming projectiles. If you can't come up with a strategy to beat it, you aren't nearly as good as you thought.
And Smash Bros. paper fan spam is completely a legitimate strategy! :D Even though it does annoy the heck out of my wuffie...

> Sly Cooper has more satisfying sneak mechanics than any Metal Gear Solid.

> Cartridges and solid state media are superior to discs in virtually every way, save capacity. We went from no loading time of anything to having it be so ponderous and ubiquitous that nobody even notices it anymore. Except me. : |
Good thing the prices of solid state media are coming down fast enough that cartridges may once again rise to be the dominant form of game medium. For handhelds, they never stopped!
11 years ago
- There's nothing illegitimate about button-mashing in fighting games, or spamming projectiles. If you can't come up with a strategy to beat it, you aren't nearly as good as you thought.

This isn't an opinion.  It's the objective truth.
11 years ago
As of reading this post you are now imagining yourself on a small valley with a horizon in the distance. You lost something a long time ago that is most precious to you, the cartridge. The cartridge played a critical role in gaming history and grew to be loved and cherished, this you understood, but that was many years ago. Around  you is a barren waste of loading times, underdeveloped EA titles, and DLC for games that have yet to be released. Suddenly a light is seen in the distance, you can't make out what it is at first but suddenly you see it. A long lost precious part of gaming history, the cartridge. As it descends from the golden pillar of light you stare in awe as it calls for you, wanting you to caress the plastic in your fingertips. As you reach for it a force beyond your control stops you from grabbing it. A mysterious man appears and places a cardboard cut out saying "Coming soon* *=in valve time."

11 years ago
I miss cartridge games. Not only for nostalgic reasons, but, as opposed to discs, they work BETTER when you scratch them! ;3

Also, ♥ the Sly Cooper games. I need to get ahold of #4 someday.

Also, also, Partners will definitely be a video game! For the Xbox 1080 and PS 6. X3

Finally, I think you know me well enough to know my opinions on characters with big tits and asses. ;3
11 years ago
I don't buy the part about load times and discs, because even games installed on the hard drive are slow as fuck when loading, and there were a ton of games on the PS2 that had almost zero load times between sections after the main screen.  Also, there are many games that come on both CDs and digital downloads, and their load times are both incredibly long -- sometimes even equal!

I don't think the hardware really matters.  Most developers use hardware badly, and the few developers that use it well will always shine no matter what platform they use.

BTW, most N64 cart games used compression, so load times weren't instantaneous.  Again, some games were better than others when it came to load times due to the decompression phase.  Using solid-state hardware these days wouldn't be the same as in the 80's, when the carts were actually used as video ROM and everything was indeed instantaneous.

PS - You have really good journal topics.  :)
11 years ago
That is true, it depends a lot on how the programmers actually built the architecture of the game. I remember playing Valkyrie Profile, and the version of it on solid state media was infinitely faster, but I can't decide if that was the doing of the stick, or the fact that the game had to reference a point on the disc just to access the start menu.

I think the biggest factor may just be limitations. Put it on a cart, they have to fit it on a cart. It used to mean it was fast and efficient, but now it's starting to go by the wayside. But then on the other hand you have Blu-Rays, where the developer just says, "Fuck it, full sails, let's be stupid and wasteful as possible!"
11 years ago
Oh, tell me about it.  I mean, uncompressed audio?  Are they crazy?  Even with full international translations on disc and cut-scenes, I find it amazing that modern games really need 50GB of space.  I hear the average game actually uses 10-15GB of the disc, though.

As the owner of several SSDs, I really do think we're approaching an era where we can go back to solid state again.  It's a damn shame that the whole world seems to be moving towards the online storage model, though... just when SSDs are really coming down in price.

Fun fact: Amiga games loaded faster when the game data was heavily compressed, because the floppy drive could read at a speed of 11KB/sec, and the computer's CPU could decompress data faster than that.  Installing games on a hard drive rarely improved load times, because then the CPU was the bottleneck, not the drive speed.  So, yeah, bad load times are nothing new.  :P
11 years ago
*spit take* Wait, who's using uncompressed audio?? That's... what?? I mean, that's just pie-in-the-sky, wine-vintage levels of audio snobbery to insist on.

Next you'll be telling me they texture maps with 32-bit bitmaps, full size.
11 years ago
I know.  They're doing all kinds of crazy things with audio these days.  They're now adding inaudible sub-carriers for copy protection purposes (ie, watermarks), so some types of audio aren't allowed to be encoded in a lossy compression format.
11 years ago

I fell asleep in Airheads and woke up in Blade Runner. o_o
11 years ago
My favorite response to cheap tactics in fighting games and the like is "if they didn't want you to do it, why did they put it in the game?!" which may get you hit depending on who you say it to, lol.

And yeah, CDs are shit. You can fit at least 32 gigs of data in a microSD the size of your fingernail, and they're relatively less fragile, unless you're dumb and lose it or something. I also won't buy anything blue-ray for this reason.

Earthbound is really slow and bluh and has thwarted my attempts to play it, but if you get the chance to play Mother 3, it's not hard to find online, it's really amazing :o
11 years ago
Let's see...

1. Heart of The Swarm sucked.  Blizzard was trying way too hard to make it unique and it just made the whole thing feel unfinished.

2. Diablo 3 is actually pretty awesome when you realize it's balanced such that you're *supposed* to use the auction house to get equipment upgrades.  Depending on your own item drops will just end in misery.  (Though it's probably gonna suck a few years from now when no one else plays it anymore.)
11 years ago
RE4 will remain my favorite one, even though I never finished it. =x
I agree with you about Megaman. =3
C:SOTN is still the best one, though. X3
But smashing buttons is fun. =<
I need to play the re-makes of Sly Cooper still. x_x;
You just thought DK was too hard. ^_~
Yahtzee has talked about purposely hating on every game for fun. ^^;
Too bad ArmyOfTwo didn't get more polish.
Earthbound was a quirky game, true, but props for avoidable enemies! ^-^
I always liked better load times, especially in the PS1 era minute long load times. >_<;
Interesting characters > Eye candy. ^.^

And a different smilie for each sentence. B3
11 years ago
Haha, in point of fact, I own and have beaten all three DKCs, plus all the extra content. I just also thought it was a little loose.
11 years ago
Yeah, it really was, but I still played it all the way through, heh. X3
11 years ago
Id like to try this, It looks fun. Though i do disagree with you about DKC not only because its one of my favorite franchises but also there well made, good controls, and music that will set the tone for the unique stages( DKC 3 water level music is just terrifying)
11 years ago
The Army of Two comment reminds me of a friend who works at Bungie.

Game Dev: Thank god, with this new generation we can finally ditch couch co-op/versus.
My friend (who's like a lead dev person):  What the hell did you just say?

He now has the reputation for fighting for this supposedly now pointless feature.  I mean, everyone is online now, right?   ; P

I've personally never given much thought to right/wrong opinions when it comes to gaming.  I wasn't on either side in the console wars because I had both Sega and Nintendo.  Most of the game genres I enjoy tend not to be what the mainstream likes.  (sim/strategy is a big thing for me)

Fun is such a personal thing that other opinions shouldn't really matter.  I know someone who's favorite thing to do in GTA4 was to just ride around in taxicabs the whole time.  How dare he have fun while playing the game wrong, right?
11 years ago
Finally someone else realizes Lament of Innocence came out before GoW and didn't copy it.
11 years ago
I agree with everything you said.  Hmm... I should do a journal of this myself but almost no one watches me so I'll post here :P

FF9 was the best of the FF RPG games, the humor(not just a stupid annoying stress breaking character) mixed in with stark seriousness of incredible devastation to a world along with several plot lines and so much individual character growth was absolutely jaw dropping.  And all that without losing the story and petering off at the end.

That being said, FF is only a top line RPG for it's graphics.  Suidoken 1 and 2, and several others were 10 times the game of any FF.

Chrono Cross was a much better game the Chrono Trigger.  Despite losing a character I really wanted in my party, having the craziness of swapped bodies for a bit, it has some of the most epic music to day and 43 pretty fully fleshed characters.

World of Warcraft has never been a good MMO, my friend stated it best saying, "It's considered the best because it didn't do anything grossly wrong".  However after it's first expansion it went horribly downhill, making all gear to that point worthless and eliminating the majority of the usefulness of crafting, along with sacrificing all it's old content(it brought some back but it wasn't the same at all).

Sly Cooper is the best platformer to date.  Sorry Mario and many other good ones: while you had good elements and tested a players depths with how well they could do those, Sly Cooper games had breadth where no only did you need to remember your basics for getting around and stealth but every new situation had something new to it and never was it something you couldn't eventually overcome.  My fondest memory was doing Mz. Ruby's rhythm magic duel... when did I fall into Space Channel 5?

Conker: Bad Fur Day was the best 4 player at the time, sorry Golden Eye and Mario Kart.  The sheer number of fun and ridiculous things you could do in it between the squirrels and the teddez was astonishing.  Ninja flipping off a cliff, taking a teddez head off midway and landing perfectly to... oh gods his teammate has a chainsaw, crap!  You can also storm Normany and fight in tanks.  Why Live and Uncut, did you leave the best part of the game out?  (Though their multiplayer wasn't horrible, just not as good).

Today's fighting games are horrible(along with Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct).  Sure it's cool you can learn your 80 unstoppable brutal hit combo that is nifty to watch but a game shouldn't be built around the feature of expecting players to break it(Though I give small props to Killer Instinct for having combo breakers).  And several games don't even bother to balance characters anymore, I'm looking at you Tekken.  This leaves Soul Caliber, Super Smash Bros. and oddly enough the Dead or Alive series as the only respectable ones left standing.  Maybe Bloody Roar if they make another one.

I can think of a ton more but I'll leave it at that :3.
10 years, 11 months ago
i never played 9 so i dunno about it, but 6 was the best in the FF series for me, but Legend of dragoon trumps the series IMHO, and for CBFD....YES! i agree definitly
11 years ago
I remember when Beyond Good and Evil came out, I liked what I saw of it. Never played it though. How did you like it?

And I've thought that about spamming in fighting games, too. I mean, I haven't played that much beat 'em ups, but my spontaneous thought is that opponents who mash buttons with no real plan would be easier to beat for someone who really knows the game?
11 years ago
BGaE was really good! I mean, just objectively, it was quite fun! I had a blast with it.

And as someone who's played both fighters and beat'em'ups extensively, I absolutely agree. You shouldn't be flummoxed by the same move over and over, haha.
11 years ago
So, I acctually have to mention that Resident evil 6 is the only game in the series that I've played. I played all the modes even. If that is the best game in the series, I really don't want to play the others. The Leon story was ok, not great but not terrible either. But the other two stories were just... Boring. Though, I have to say, as Jake, I never picked up a gun. His melee attacks made him a bulldozer. That was just funny though. My buddy playing what's-her-face was having a difficult time while I punched everything to death.
11 years ago
Huh.  I always felt that the soundtrack of Earthbound was one of it's *best* qualities, and was pretty well suited for the action going on.  To each their own, I suppose.
11 years ago
There are people who hate Earthbound?! It's a silly game, yes, but I think it's a gem!

As far as the spamming projectiles part, I'm going to challenge your friend's experience in fighters. Sure, it may not be illegitimate, but it's not as simple as "Coming up with a strategy to beat it" when you face tournament-level players who do that. In Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Chris G, for example, will hit you with Morrigan/Doctor Doom spam that will make your head spin. He doesn't always do the same thing, but he is, by definition, a spammer.

TL;DR yes, spamming's a legit strategy, but no, not being able to beat it does not mean you aren't good. Unless it's something that can easily be jumped over or something.
10 years, 12 months ago
If you like hot babes,then why are you supporting Anita Sarkeesian on YouTube?
10 years, 12 months ago
I'm not. I'm lawyering against stupid arguments.
If you'll notice, virtually all of the discussion surrounding her videos is centered around how wrong she is, and the few who are on her 'side,' so to speak, are terrible at arguing their positions.
However, the problem here is that virtually all of the arguments I've seen are absolutely goddamned idiotic. They focus on "Nuh-uh cause of this example" or "actually sexism is right" or any number of really really stupid points, and even if I disagree with the undertones of her argument (i.e. that women are the only ones disadvantaged by The Way Things Are), I'm not about to let people be right by total accident and continue on being atrocious dullards. Because in the end, Sarkeesian is only half right (that there needs to be more egalitarian representation, not that you need to censor things to do it)... but she is still half right, and there's absolutely no concession to this.
10 years, 12 months ago
It's also very telling that when I replied to someone who complained that she was 'censoring' others' opinions by disabling comments, that person then blocked me. Hysterical irony.
10 years, 12 months ago
You didn't see her Bayonetta video,did you.
10 years, 12 months ago
Actually, I did. What's your point?
10 years, 12 months ago
Seriously? You look at that half-assed bullshit and say she's got a point? This woman don't know shit about video games. She doesn't hit on any instances of real sexism and she knows fuck all about character progression and what makes a good character. She took one look at Bayonetta's hot ass and basically declared her nothing more than a sex toy. Nevermind the dozens of actual sex toys who were put in to sell a crappy game,she goes after the one that actually had a personality and story. How do you honestly defend that?
10 years, 12 months ago
I said she's got half a point, if you'd bother to read instead of substitute what I'm writing for whatever you appear to want to believe. When a creative frontier is saturated with one type of character, be it a really attractive woman, a sitcom dumb dad, an emotionally stunted action hero, whatever, that's bad for our culture in general. It misrepresents what we find important. Where she's wrong is what she proposes to do about it- that these things should be removed from our culture. That's completely incorrect, because as you've fully demonstrated here, all that does is create a vocal, often very stupid counterculture. The only real way to introduce positive change is to create more varied experiences, not remove the ones that are present.
10 years, 12 months ago
And I'm saying she doesn't have ANY point AT ALL. She attacks characters who have grown and become more interesting as technology progressed. Nintendo didn't have to make Zelda a ninja,but they did. She didn't have to be a cool pirate captain,but she was. And Peach? Bitch got her own game and all anyone says about it is "PMS powers". Cause apparently getting super emotional because hormones is the same thing as channeling your emotions into super powers. Which she was in complete control of the whole time,I might add.

And do you even have any concept of how prickly that little thorn bush is? Really attractive woman. Let me put it this way. You,personally,have sexualized cartoon horses. Why? Because you relate to them emotionally,mentally. You like them,as people. And that actually makes it easier to sexualize them and find them physically attractive. What that means is,you can literally sexualize ANYTHING. So,when I see,say,Zoey,from Left 4 Dead,I find her more appealing than,say,the hot commando girls from Red Alert 3,largely due to her personality. So,"really attractive woman" becomes really hard to avoid as anyone can take a liking to a female character and desire them sexually,even if they aren't "lookers" by intention. So the only way to not use really attractive women is to either make them so repellent no one wants to be around them or to remove women altogether. Neither option really sounds good to me.
10 years, 12 months ago
Congratulations, you've fallen for Sarkeesian's stupid trap and become the black to her white. Darkness is your master.
10 years, 12 months ago
So you're saying it's better to use stupid,flawed,and ultimately insulting arguments to build the future of gaming instead of knowledge and wisdom to realize where the real problems lie and fixing those. Why did we even bother trying to stop Jack Thompson if we're not going to stop his 63?
10 years, 12 months ago
No. I'm not saying that. I never said that. You didn't read a single word I wrote. And that's why I'm not continuing this pointless discussion with you.
10 years, 12 months ago
I've read it,I just don't understand it. How can you support someone who A) uses basic misinformation to hold up points that have already been resolved (seriously,they've done everything to make Zelda and Peach more interesting as characters and I honestly don't know what's left they can do) B) has obviously no experience with any kind of modern gaming and C) came into a discussion that was already going on for years and has had no impact on other than to try to Jack Thompson the whole damn thing.

We don't want people taking her side because her side is wrong. She's using the wrong information for the wrong reasons to accomplish the wrong goals. All of which are for her own self interest. Frankly,her position is indefensible. So,no,I don't understand why you defend it.
10 years, 12 months ago
Listen. To me.

THERE ARE NO SIDES TO TAKE. They are an illusion foisted on you by her and the morons that think that feminazis are going to come in the night and take away all the boobies or some stupid shit like that. When one 'side' says "There is nothing but sexism, take it all away," and the other side says "There's no sexism at all, everything's completely fair," which one do you think is right?

If you picked either one, you're wrong, because they're both ludicrously oversimplistic truncations of an issue that has depth. When Sarkeesian says "The damsel in distress trope is overused," she's right. When a detractor says "It's still a valid storytelling device," they are- wait for it, this'll blow your mind- also right! If I take your way of thinking, then I have to blow up at this point because two people with opposing viewpoints can't both have points, can they??

Except they can. They can, and they can still have a point and still both be wrong, do you get what I'm saying here?
10 years, 12 months ago
Ok,I think I see the problem.

The reason Anita's wrong is because she mostly uses old games to make her point. If you took a list of games released last year,put their names on a dart board,blindfolded yourself,and threw a dart at the board,odds are the title it landed on does not use the DID trope. And most of the ones that do are either legacy games that have always been about saving the girl,nostalgia titles like Double Dragon Neon,or even use the trope in new ways,like Braid's twist ending. And none of this is new.

Consider Monkey Island 1. There's an old game and it uses the DID trope,but Anita doesn't mention it. Why? Cause Elaine not only escapes on her own,Guybrush ends up screwing up HER plan to take down LeChuck. You know,the kind of thing a lot of people claim to want to see happen? There's a reason it's a classic.

Consider Bad Dudes. 2 guys take on a gang of ninjas to rescue...the US president. A guy. DID can also mean DUDE in distress. Again,no mention of the games where the plot is to save a guy. Why? Cause it shows an equality Sarkeesian doesn't want to acknowledge. That men can be kidnapped,captured,or otherwise "de-powered". So why is it only sexist when it happens to women?

Consider Zelda. In the first game,Zelda only appears at the end and does nothing the whole game. As the games progress in technology and the story line in complexity,Zelda takes more and more part in the story. In LttP,she's a major character. In OoT,she's a ninja. A goddamn ninja! In Wind Waker,she's a pirate. And the thing is,in most of the recent games,she can be really cold or even abusive to Link. One can't help but get the feeling she considers Link to be little more than a tool to be used to stop Ganon. Hardly high romance going on here. And the question of who's objectifying whom comes up.

Consider Peach. Even in the "core" Mario games,Peach has gotten more and more characterization. From simply showing how she gets kidnapped to Sunshine's opening where we see a lot more of Peach's personality than we do Mario's,who,quite frankly,seems a bit retarded. Anita does not mention this. In fact,she flat out denies it. Further,she completely ignores the RPGs,you know,the games with actual stories and characterizations. The ones where even as a DID,Peach has her own story that shows her to be strong and resourceful. Helping Mario even as she is captured and supposedly helpless.

Consider DOA:Volleyball. Is there ANY reason to own this game besides ogling scantly clad bimbos? There's better volleyball games. There's better dating sims. There's better everything. This,of course,slips right under the radar.

As I said,she has no point. Anything of merit she's said was already being discussed. She's done nothing but cloud the issue. She's confusing the ignorant and annoying the gamers. You should know there's nothing a nerd hates more than the misrepresentation of information. And she's pounding that button. As hard as she fucking can because it's the only thing keeping her going. And that's why she must be disproven.

We ignored her. Believe me,we tried. We shut our ears and closed our eyes and anyone who asked,we tried to tell them not to listen to her. And she stirred up a bunch of preteen trolls,kids who don't know better,to "attack" her. And she used that,along with the poor deluded souls who tried to tell her she was simply wrong,to leverage her way into the media. People like her don't just go away. She wants it too bad. And she's going to get it by hook or by crook. Just like Thompson. We tried to ignore him and he just got worse and worse until we stood up and called him on his bullshit. And that's what we have to do here.

She's been asked to speak at the TEDx. How long til she gets to TED? She's already a media darling. And she's already being called in to consult on video games,like Mirror's Edge 2. I don't believe feminazis are coming to take the boobies. I believe Anita's a bitch who's making things worse and must be stopped.
10 years, 12 months ago
-- The modern Sonic games are not as bad as people say they are, often they do so simply because it is popular to do.  In fact, aside from '06 (which was broken on a technical level, not in concept), they all run rather well and do what they do without issue.  The problem is that a lot of people aren't eight anymore and don't have the twitch reflexes/intuition the used to or the patience to die that many times in a level.  In fact, the original Genesis Sonic games (S1-3 & Knuckles) were often cheap, unfair, in places unintuitive, and had strange and consistent (to the point of exploitable) bugs of their very own.  Sonic Adventure, which is often remembered as the best 3D sonic game, was horribly buggy with often obscure gameplay mechanics and a terrible camera.  And NONE of this keeps them from being good games, because they all provide the fun necessary to make a game a decent game.

-- Resident Evil: Code Veronica was a terrible game (even by Resident Evil standards) with nonsensical writing, no pacing, and completely ridiculous set-pieces that completely destroys any credibility the games had built up through the first three.  Camp is one thing, but CV was just stupid on so many levels.

-- The Marvel vs. Capcom series is a completely unbalanced showboat of a fighting game series that focuses completely on eyecandy and is a mess when it comes to balance issues and funfactor.

-- Chrono Trigger wasn't a very good game in general.  It had a fine battle system, but since Japanese RPGs are played mostly for the story, the game's hackneyed, cut up story made the game confusing and ultimately unrewarding.

-- Final Fantasy VIII was the most entertaining Final Fantasy of the PSOne era.

-- We need more hypersexual characters, and not just women but men as well.  Male characters geared towards feminine ideals would be interesting to play as, and we don't need fewer 'male power fantasies'.  We need more 'female power fantasies'.  After all, that's what escapism is about; fantasy.

-- Animal Crossing is a fine idea, on paper, but terrible in its execution.

-- Many of the 3rd Person Duke Nukem games (Zero Hour, Manhattan Project, Time To Kill, Planet of the Babes) were better than Duke3D ever was.

-- The GTA series is a trainwreck of bad controls, unlikable characters, and boring environments.  Saints Row and Driver were both able to do similar things, and BETTER, despite them being compared unfavorably.  Saints Row got better with its delve into craziness in II and The Third; otherwise it would have just been a GTA clone and faded into obscurity.  Driver has always been a solid game, but is too hard for most people.

-- Pump It Up is better constructed and more musically entertaining than Dance Dance Revolution ever was. Still, DDR is fun, and In The Groove will forever be a cheap DDR knockoff.

-- The main spectrum Mario games only sell because they have the word Mario on the box.

-- Though engaging, Legend of Zelda games are some of the most formulaic games on the market, resulting in less new evolutions of the same series, and more repainted versions of the same tropes.  Much like Pokemon.

-- Street Fighter IV and its iterations have done little to evolve the games since Street Fighter II, Street Fighter III was more interesting.  However, SNK games, though rougher around the edges, will always have more charm than the Capcom ones have ever had (save Darkstalkers)

That's all for now.
10 years, 12 months ago
Really?  MvC series is unbalanced?  That game is far more balanced then most fighting games today aka I actually have a chance against what most people consider ungodly characters/teams.  While yes it has some combos, there aren't many game enders and simply holding back and/or down stops most of them.  I mean in MvC 2, my team was Jin, Sakura and Storm (While later I found out Storm was pretty highly ranked in the meta, I mainly used her as back up and assists).  Sakura was what I think the best inclusion to that type a game, an anti-beam cheap.  Captain America could somewhat do this, but not as well.  But I saw three different playing styles and their were all viable.  I played the assist/special move style, some did the juggling combos and some did beam cheaps, but nothing was really over the top.

Now take Tekken where Paul and Nina could almost take you out in a hit and King(or was it Armor King) had the ability to grab you and roll you to death in one move... that is an unbalanced game.  Or a version of Guilty Gear I saw where you could use you're super moves at the start and most all of them killed in a hit.

I liked Pump It Up, though I have to say Dance Central on Kinect has currently replaced all the mats I had to keep buying to play DDR :P
10 years, 12 months ago
The problem with the MvC series is that there are always a few subsets of characters that render the majority of characters either underpar or useless.  MvC2 was notorious for this.  You might have a chance against 'godly' teams, but there are a few teams that you simply couldn't win with, no matter how good you were because the characters were ineffective.

Guilty Gear (the first one) had the instant kills which could be activated at any time, but they were also easily countered if you knew what to watch out for.  Guilty Gear was notoriously cheap, though, especially when fighting the final boss who had full screen range and infinite tension.  All the other games have instant kills, BUT they don't win you the match (just the round) and they require a full tension bar to pull off so either you're losing pretty badly by that time, or they're probably already dead anyway.

As for the Kinect, well Dance Central is fun.  I just like pad based dance games better. XD  Though, I will agree that regular play destroys most pads pretty quickly.  I've gone through at least four plastics, and I can't find a metal PIU pad for the life of me.
10 years, 11 months ago
Well I agree when it comes to Yathzee but at least he is honest and says that that it's not his kind of games like his name for modern shooters (which I approve) Spunkgargalewewe.
Dk was slippery but fun And Resident Evil series was an ok game series 1.2.3 and 4 where all good games with at least some immersion.
And if you wanted a good co-op game Some of the old nintendo from 8bit to the gamecube had better co-op then most modern games.
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