Today was the first day I actually have had access to an ISP fast enough to really look at IB in several months. (I had some dialup capability, but dialup just doesn't cut it) and I'm sorry I haven't been around here very much. A few months ago I, and a lot of other employees, were given a leave of absence from our jobs. -_- Fortunately it's temporary, the company will be back on its feet soon, but I was broke for a long time, and had to go back to living with my parents again briefly. (And they weren't doing much better than I was.) Fortunately things are looking a little better for me, Hopefully I will be back to stay very soon. Thanks to everyone that sent their concerns about me. I really appreicate it. ^_^
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12 years, 4 months ago
14 Nov 2012 00:19 CET