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ad blockers

it seems to me that the war for ad blockers on youtube and google is getting messy. google is now trying to disable or not support ad blockers anymore on their browser. for all of you using ublock origin, by next year in june it will no longer work. my suggestion is to switch to firefox and use that as your browser as they support adblockers.

i find it stupid that youtube keeps pushing these ads as hard as possible and even googles getting in on this crap. the federal government, yes the feds, recommend an ad blocker for your computer and on your browser for your safety. with google no longer supporting ad blockers on chrome ill be switching to firefox by january of next year. i am sick of this constant back and forth of youtube / google and the bullshit they keep doing.

in places like ireland and the UK i read some articles that youtube may face lawsuits for putting spyware on peoples computers to see what they watch or seeing if they use adblockers or not. this is rather concerning... i cant believe youtube is pushing ads so hard.

first the ads on youtube started with you being able to skip them after 5 seconds, then it went to 15 seconds, now you are forced to watch a 30 second unskippable ad with multiple ads in it, and then there are ads that are like 2 or 3 hours long. who in their right fucken mind is going to watch a 3 hour long ad?

also youtube ads have gotten far worse because now they are pretty much disguising ads as actual videos. i almost made the mistake of clicking on them a few times before thinking they were an actual video but you need to check closely to see that they are not. and now youtubes hiding the skip button to make you watch more ads.

youtube used to be a good place and now its really gone down the shitter. its really shamful that they do this. i really hope that something happens to force them to stop with this nonsense. its only a matter of time before someone gets scammed or something from these ads and youtube / google gets sued.

anyways i hope you all stay safe out there and dont click on any ads on youtube at all.
Viewed: 71 times
Added: 3 months ago
3 months ago
It's not that Google is specifically targeting adblockers, it's simply that it's moving from manifest v2 to manifest v3 which affects ALL apps that still rely on manifest v2, which most adblockers still do. You can still use Ublock Origin Lite, almost the same thing as Ublock Origin just a tiny bit less customizable which doesn't matter unless you have extensive custom block lists. As for Youtube, Adblock For Youtube still works on chrome and there's no indication of it stopping anytime soon, I don't even see that warning that a lot of people were seeing. On top of that you can also use Sponsorblock to bypass sponsor segments or self promotion segments that are embedded in videos. Currently I'm using Ublock Origin Lite, Adblock Plus, Adblock for Youtube and Sponsorblock, all on Chrome and I never see a single piece of advertisement on any site.
3 months ago
interesting... i just want to watch videos ad free cause i aint paying them greedy bastards any money for a youtube premium membership. the cost of that membership is absolutely stupid and it keeps going up every year.
you use adblock plus for youtube?
i herd of sponsorblock just a few minutes ago in a video and that would be a fucken godsend cause im so sick of seeing them sponsors in the middle of a video and being forced to skip them. is it in the google app store?
3 months ago
Nope, for Youtube I use Adblock For Youtube, that's exactly what it's called. And yes SponsorBlock is in the chrome extension store. Neat thing about SponsorBlock is that anyone can submit segments to skip. I do it all the time when I catch videos early.
3 months ago
Sponsorblock is really great for skipping sponsors and also intro/outros or highlight/recap. I also suggest DeArrow, which makes all youtube titles unclickbaity (based on user reports like sponsor block) and makes the thumbnail an actual frame from the video.
3 months ago
I find it baffling people still use Chrome after a decade and a half of Google's evil.
3 months ago
i only used it because it was the default one for me. i never tried firefox but i actually am considering it. i dont really like google that much as is anyways -w-
3 months ago
Firefox has its ups, but also downs. For example, its memory usage after opening more than 50 tabs is off the roof, can reach 10GB easily, and it doesn't actually release the memory when you stop using the tab (though there are addons for that, but even with them firefox will use much more memory than chrome).
3 months ago
how do you know that?
also if it doesnt release the memory even when its closed wont that break my computer?
how the hell would you reset the memory usage? im guessing restarting my pc huh?
iamtired of google and their anti adblocker bullshit. i just want to watch videos without being harassed by ads. also i havent herd anyone complaining about something like this so how do you know this is true?
or do you mean while the tab is up? if i close the tab by X'ing out will it stop the memory usage?
3 months ago
From experience - that's how it behaves on my PC, and before I installed the "Auto Tab Discard" addon it devoured memory like a moviegoer popcorn.
3 months ago
I've never encountered Firefox memory leaking before after using it for over a decade, probably because I don't open up 50 tabs at the same time. Not sure why someone needs to have this many tabs open anyway.
3 months ago
I have been using Firefox for decades now. Ever since I had my first computer and was browsing the net, I started with IE then changed to Firefox and haven't looked back. At work I am stuck to Edge and Chrome, which sucks. I have also been using an ad-blocker for as years now as well. I have Chrome installed on my PC as well because I did have issues with some sites on Firefox and recently got the notification that Chrome disabled my ublock and I said nope, you are going to enable it and leave it enabled. They have no right to disable this.

I have also not seen an ad on YouTube in years as I have always used an ad-blocker. I also refuse to use or watch YouTube on my phone or iPad because of the ad's and no ad-blockers.
3 months ago
yeah ill be switching to firefox in the new year and i wont go back to chrome.
the issue is youtube ads are so intrusive and youtubes doing everything they can to detect and try to force people to disable their adblockers. its disgusting. they are so focused on getting people to pay them every month and im so sick and tired of this monthly subscription shit.
i refuse to use youtube without an ad blocker. the thing is id watch youtube on my switch, as they have youtube as an app on the nintendo switch, but the ads on there are such bullshit though i found a way around them though it heavily limits me on what i can watch. on psvita its straight up unwatchable and even now it doesnt work anymore. it used to play them without ads but them forcing ads into it fucked up the vita so it can no longer play them or use youtube anymore.

youtube wants like 13 - 14 dollars per month for their garbage premium and im not paying that, ever. if youtube wants money they can get money the proper way and not force shit like that on their users.
3 months ago
I have never had issues firefox. Only issues I had was if youtube updates and the time ABP to counter youtube update to counter any add blocks.
3 months ago
I switched from OperaGX to Firefox, and it was great at first, but in this stupid adblock war google wants to do, it has created a memory leak or something, cause, youtube, and seemingly ONLY youtube, starts lagging like hell if you keep youtube open for long with ublock on firefox. Which I do cause I like listening to videos a lot :3
Sucks, I haven't found a way to fix it yet.
3 months ago
i still sue chrome beocuse its fast and has all the features I want...

that being said.. I dispise google..and yet so much of my life is tied up with it... truly I hate this though...

i used to use firefox but stopped becouse it lacked features I wanted...maybe they will continue to improve enough for me to switch.

for the moment youtube is loseing the fight with adblockers wich is why it's fighitng so hard it veiws this as a massive loss of revanue instead of what it truly is... MY excersizeing my fucking write to NOT be advertised to 24/7

if ever a day arrives were I cannot Block adds on youtube.. I will STOP useing youtube...
3 months ago
On top of that the ads dont give a shit about your triggers if you have any... The first time i used adblock was when i kept getting an unskippable ad for a horror movie that made me paranoid. Like seriously every time the ad came up id have to turn off the volume and close the laptop lid. Fuck that life
3 months ago
i keep getting ads about gambling and i absolutely despise gambling. a few times before i got ads about getting high off magic mushrooms, which, again, shouldnt be allowed on youtube. i got a few ads that were over an hour long, the longest being 2 hours and 45 minutes long... and since then the ads have just gotten worse. on an hour long video theres ads every 3 fucken minutes and yes i timed them. on 20 - 30 minute videos you have like 8 to 9 ads spread out in the video.
theres even a company trying to patent a bullshit thing where it uses your camera to see if your viewing an ad, if your not viewing it the ad pauses and only unpauses when you have your eyes on the screen to force you to watch ads.
3 months ago
I dont normally go out for that trigger stuff....but honestly... there's been a long running Advert series for this one free to play mobile game and i FUCKING HATE IT and the commercials are OUTRIGHT LIES and I kept reporting it to youtube and they kept showing it to me anyway and some of the commercials were gross and all of them were stupid and i have never gotten that ANGRY at commercials' before so...

Kinda get it!
3 months ago
yep if i cannot block ads on youtube ill just download a bunch of videos i watched before onto my computer and watch them from now on. its free and no ads. fuck them. if youtube ads werent so intrusive i wouldnt use an adblocker but over the years the ads have gotten more and more out of hand and its getting to the point where this shit needs to stop.
people have even said that youtube is a multi billion dollar corporation and theres no need for them to push ads this hard in peoples videos or on their own platform. its disgusting how much of a shit pool theyve become with ads.
i really hope it ends up biting them in the ass.
the thing is though if youtube ads keep getting worse then people will just leave, both creators, because they cant earn revenue off the platform, and viewers, because nobody wants youtube premium and nobody wants to see the constant barrage of ads across the site.
3 months ago
The internet is just impossible to use without an ad blocker. I think a case in germany where someone was sued over using adblockers found it unfounded. Like honestly, i think people should be forced to go on their own websites without adblocker and see how their experience goes.
3 months ago
yep even the FBI has said to use ad blockers but youtubes putting spyware on your computer to see if you are running adblockers, which as far as i know is against the law and is illegal in many places of the world. theres TONS of scamming sites out there and youtube doesnt care because it earns them revenue. youtube shouldnt be allowed to get away with this.
3 months ago
You're right friend!
3 months ago
I've only used firefox so I'm good.
3 months ago
I agree with your Journal here. It's really getting worse and worse ever since Google bought YouTube.

As for how I'm dealing with these things, I only use uBlock Origin to block any ads from YouTube or other sites. Not the Lite version as someone else mentioned. I never had to use any other plugin beside it. There's also a plugin called "I still don't care about cookies" which removes a lot of of those pesky cookie boxes, as seen when browsing websites asking for cookie permissions.
3 months ago
the lite version is.... not that good... it will load the ad on the video i watch but it wont play it, itll skip over it but it takes like... 15 or 20 seconds to skip over them. sometimes an ad gets through as well. im gonna switch to firefox in the future because they wont be supporting adblocker anymore and youtube cannot be watched without it. also im not paying youtube any kind of money period.
3 months ago
From your comment I think maybe you misunderstood me. I use uBlock Origin, not the Lite version as I mentioned. It exists both for chrome browsers and firefox. If the Lite version is this bad, it's a good thing I never tried it before.
3 months ago
yes i know what you said, but in the future and by june of next year ublock origin will not work anymore for chrome. so youll have to switch to firefox or use ublock lite for it.
3 months ago
Well, thankfully I'm using firefox for many years anyway then. I never was a fan of Google. xD

And even if you think that uBlock origin will not work next year, believe me that people will make it work. It's a futile war google battles for. The scale of adblockers on one side and google on the other tips back and forth. With that I mean, google might "win" soon, but adblockers will find ways around that, it's a cycle that only stops if one side does.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Youtube is not only bad with its ads, dont get me started with brainrot “kids” content

Some are inappropriate and highly suggestive and YouTube won’t fucking do anything 🙃
Kids are watching this content.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
ive actually seen a video talking about the brain rot content on youtube and them refusing to do anything about it. ai content to seems to be a big thing happening on youtube as well. people getting ai to read reddit stories, horror, etc. its really sad and pathetic. it seems all people want is to make videos without any effort, they just want to sit back and let the ai bring in money for them. much like ai art it requires no skill to do.
i seen the video talk about very touchy subjects and they have some weird ass shit there. i thought it was fake till they bright up the guy with his head coming out of a toilet... i think its called skibbidi toilet? i actually seen that as a downloadable mod in minecraft when i was in the minecraft store... the internets becoming a fucked up place. youtubes just lazy and doesnt care. if the content is popular they wont do shit about it and plagiarism is becoming VERY common now on youtube. people stealing original videos and adding them to ai readers and stealing content and whatnot from the original creators. its disgusting. youtubes going to fall apart sooner rather then later and the whole of youtube can only handle so much before they either leave or make a new platform where the rules are better enforced.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
It’s disgusting for both the content and YouTube being a lazy ass. I’d say the worst kind of brainrot is Sprunki brainrot, why?
The creator of sprunki is 15 years old, and there is highly suggestive content of sprunki floating around.

It’s very sad that AI is literally taking people’s real jobs away. It’s scary
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