Heyo!! Just letting you cool cats know a few things about my account and such. 1) PLEASE remember this space is not for minors, and if I found out you are You WILL be blocked. I'm uncomphy with tha...
▻you must be 18+ or you WILL be blocked ▻I don't friend anyone unless we're both following/watching each other. If you try and we ain't mutuals I'll just delete it. ▻my dm's are for commissioners or business stuff, unless again, if we're mutuals. ▻This account is for art only. If yall want rp stuff, visit my sonic blog for that. I only rp with new people on tumblr, in a public setting, so please don't ask for roleplay in my DM's
I might poke in here from time to time. I draw alot of trans sonic, cause trans rights, yo. I basically like every ship with sonic cause I just love seeing the boy get love, kay? Anyway yeah have fun