Stolen from @LittleOrion , because I felt like it. Doubt anyones gonna read it, but what the hey 1. Are you a boy or a girl I am a male specimen. 2. How old are you 22 3. What species are ...
Okay, so i know I'm far from a great artist, but Ive had desire now to make a comic, and I think I'm going to go for it. Perhaps it will be the practice I need to get better, or maybe it'll be a wank...
Hey, thanks for the watch! Got something I want to add to my gallery, just can't get writing posts up the way I want. Might just put it up soon anyhow!
Hey, thanks for the watch! Got something I want to add to my gallery, just can't get writing posts u
Thank you very much for you kind shout out ^ I'm always happy to hear when my story is enjoyed and is being looked forward too ^^, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read it =)
Thank you very much for you kind shout out ^ I'm always happy to hear when my story is enjoyed and