Hello! I'm TribalTotem, but you can call me Chloe if you wish to! I am a 18 year old female from the United Kingdom, England to be exact!
I have a few fave animals! I love Giant Anteaters, Ibises, Falcons, Hawks and Hoopoe's!
I have two main loves in the art world and that is Egyptian Mythology and Tribal things. I've always been interested in joining this place so now I've decided to do it!
I do have a few health issues, I have two pretty bad permanent lung diseases, arthritis and anxiety problems. So a lot of my journals will be on those things I'm afraid! Please understand what it's like to live with these things before you judge me. Thank you!
Other than that I am a pretty shy person! But I love to talk! So please don't hesitate to drop me a message asking about me or my characters! Thanks for reading! Can't wait to hear from you! ^.^
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