Oh boy, what a week so far. To make a long story short; I have learned about cobblestone throat. Being sick last week left me with a postnasal drip that inflamed the back of my throat. I've been havi...
was planning to finalize and edit chapter 10 of say uncle RY for posting; but I got sick the last few days, so all plans got thrown out of wack. I've gotten over it but now i have a week of work ahea...
A lone soul, with only the mysterious Storytellers word that he had died, is gifted a second chance at life and sent to another world on the brink of genocide.
this is a story that i came up with ironically because i bought a link themed jacket and started wondering what would a zelda story be like in a modern world, and presto insta story
For a long time i was in a stage of sharpening my skills. Refining a guess you could call it my chosen craft. I've been at this for over 15 years now. Frank I've come to the point that my writing skills are real enough; I can look at modern entertainment and pick apart all the lazy writing.
I am better then them; i know i am better then them.