Hello all of you ^^ My name is Tanor Z. Faux. Tanor Zeta Faux. I am a 3-Tailed Blanford's Fox. I was born on Planet Oltanis. Sent to Mobius in just a year, and lived there since i was 2 years. Then I wound up on Earth due to the actions of a dark deity. It was originally thought to be the cause of Tanor & Eggman's machine malfunctioning due to Chaotic energy and my energy used for his machine that I voluntarily helped in building. I found myself on Earth in some other dimension then. I found Maru and Kota on the Island I wound up on, and my story really starts off from there.
I currently live on Earth and Oltanis, as well as have bases in other galaxies, namely in the Solana, Bogon, and Polaris Galaxies. I am currently the CEO of MegaCorp and Gadgetron, conjoined into Lightning Visions, and still lead manufacturer of all things weaponry, robots, machines, gadgets and whatnot. Everything gets my seal of approval before it hits those shelves!! I got into the job when I worked for MegaCorp in the Bogon, since the time I, Ratchet and the co were looking for the Protopets. Since then I created many things for them. So if you are or were a MegaCorp and Gadgetron user or customer, you might be using one of my designs :3. If you are a rival company daring to build your company and take my customers, you shall be a different seal of approval hmm?
Its nice to meetcha readers and artists, and friendly folks around here. ^^
~~~ Tanor is not really just my fursona. It's better to describe some of them as their own living beings that I created. Between Tanor, Teiden, Maru, Karyu, Ronata, Oltan, and Darkus, they are all pieces of my multiple-personalities, that gained lives of their own. It's always kinda been like that even before I made Tanor as a fursona, he existed as a different character that kinda turned into him. Same goes for Maru and Kota. These three were Expys, in previous stories i'd write before I got into the fandom.
Fursonal history: Darkus Dragon (?? - 2009), retired as a scalesona, main character of Oltanis Zeta. Maru (2009 - Present) Tanor (2009 - Present), and Ronata is the Anti-universal Tanor. Kota (2018 - Present), originally a main character in the stories, but she recently is now apart of the fursonal group hehe. I think cause of Tana as well, who represented femme Tanor originally, before becoming her own developed character. I had a connections to those two before, but never explored them much till more recently. Eis (2008 - 2012, retired as a fursona or maybe more of an Alt i'd use, but major character elsewhere, and I do want to use him every now and then. Same with Darkus!) Teiden (2010 - Present), originally Blackout Tanor, named Teiden in 2012. He was made in 2009, but didn't become his own character till a year. Oltan (2011 - Present) Karyu (2013 - Present)
Tanor's Oltanis Team: Tanor Faux - Leader, the CEO of MegaCorp/Gadgetron, and joined with Irona. Maru "Marius" Kiba - Sub Leader. He is a king since the start of Oltanis Sigma. He's married to Kota. Kota Rae - Medical Nin, Super Strength and Super Gorgeousness. Also married to Maru. Tana Faux - Tanor's Sister and Half-Goddess. Of what, I don't know. She's also my little sister, but bigger than me. >-> Salza Refurinn - Cooler's Armored Squadron member, and been pals since those days. Moris Rae - Kota's Brother and Black Op of the Oltanis Team. Forsha Timbre - Moris's partner and Alchemist. Helios "Darkus" Dragon - Maru's older brother and original scalsona. Storm Dragon hehe. Irona Ikara - Kerwan-Oltanian Vixen =) She's awesome. Karyu Onami - Dark Matter Water Deity, Ottanuki, Youngest Brother of Teiden. Teiden Faux - The literal dark matter god of Dark Matter itself, Dark Matter Fox. Oltan Faux - Tanor's son. Eis Makai - Ex Member of Oltanis Team, Arctic Cyber-Coyote. Anti-Hero. Disappears after the end of Oltanis Z.
Villains: Mecha Tanor/Nitrider: Tanor's creation in the old days, went nuts with power~. Eis Makai: Originally betrayed the Oltanis Team, or forced to do so in his programming since he became a cyborg. Alder Seiun: One of the few Oltanian Foxes left, but also raised up by the Mazu Seiuns, an evil cult that my father once dealt with. Haoku Miroku: He's a mixture of a tiger and leopard. He came from somewhere in Asia. He was Maru's original rival and part of Mecha Tanor's group. Vant Zan: This guy is a green falcon that was a one-shot villain, but became an important villain later. Dracula: Maru and Nathan's arch enemy. He needs no introduction from me.
The Zoltanians: The Undead Kingdom of Oltanis. Sarka was an Oltanian Fox, before falling to their special power. Their ruler was who put Alder in power too. Wait till ya find out about this story.
The Dark Deities: Especially, King Teneas, the ruler of all dark deities, said to be the creator of the universe, but we're convinced he's not. Just very mental. Also he's Teiden & Karyu's father. Great family!
Other Characters of the Oltanis series... coming soon...