This is my latest artwork of Tanor that I received by wolfaya at AnthroCon 2016.
This special conbadge is able to glow in raves when I can use it in there, but I didn't get to do that heh. Tanor is wearing his modified armour, based off the Tetrafibre Armour from Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando. This is his second modification to the suit, now with black metal, *cue five second interval of black metal music and death growls, and strobe lights* Ehem. Just juggling his lightning between his hands like a dandy fellow.
I honestly think this picture of him is scary looking though. Haha. In some way he is definitely a "roaring 20". Due to the theme of that AnthroCon, heh. Though I have no idea which century of the 20s, he's trying to fashion in. :P