Persona: name is Sackchu, my species is a Pikachu hybrid of a Sackthing...i wish i had more people like me....want to mate?..*blushes*...(Sackthings are creatures that live a place called craftworld, inbred with the power of creativity. ~ there from a playstation franchise called Littlebigplanet, if anybody doesn't know)
Gender\Sex: Male
Likes: Being Naughty~, Video games, Pineapples!, Being extremely kind to anyone who deserves it.
Dislikes: Fire, Spikes, Vacuum cleaners, DOGS!, And Lemons...there evil i tell you... EVIL!!!!!!
Love interest: Bisexual, balanced.
Sexual interests: Umm..thats quite personal....want to find out?.. >///< chu...
Favorite foods: Pineapple!!!
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