After a heated debate on a server regarding AI art and artistic ability, I have come to the conclusion that I just simply going to quit trying to make visual art. My standards are far too unrealistic...
My boyfriend and I are needing to move from our current location as soon as possible. If anyone is looking for a couple of roommates or know of anyone who are in need of roommates, please let me know ...
Artwork I have created. I am predominantly a traditional artist, using a variety of pencils and usually basic colored pencils. Occasionally, I draw digitally, using the Procreate app for iPad.
Hey there! My name is Simon, and I am an African civet.
As it stands now, there is not much about me. 🐾 I do not claim to be an artist in any capacity; however, I do draw and paint occasionally, and you might see me posting the results of those efforts here. 🐾 I spend most of my time making music using FL Studio. While most of the songs I make tend to result in some subgenre under EDM (i.e. dubstep, techno, dance), the way I make music can have a song transform into whatever genre I may feel fits the idea the most. The way I make music is slow, but it works for me and I have been happy with it since 2010. 🐾 I also write stories sometimes. It's hard for me with my short attention span ─ it makes it harder for me to focus on writing anything for any extended period, let alone reading it back to proofread it, so my stories you will see them much more rarely.
Aside from the purpose that I am here, I also enjoy playing games, rock-hounding, and talking with friends, even if my severe social anxiety prevents me from interacting with them initially. It is something I wish I could work on and I have tried many times over in the past only for it to end poorly. So, if you ever want to talk with me about any of the above topics, I would be more than happy to, so long as you interact with me first. 😊
Unconditionally and irrevocably in love with paws.