so i used to craft and sell what i made.. i now do art on bases. so tons of ychs to pick from. i think im going to start posting art here!! i hope you stick around and come have a look at what i do
yarn tail prices start at $45 for a 15 inch tail 2 colours. i am NO longer doing 30+ inch tails.. less you want to pay out the ass for one. and i mean like $10 any inch past 25 inch tails add more colours its $5-10 each colour added now you can add butt plugs! $10+ more depending on plug if i have to order the yarn its a $10 charge on top of that as it cost a bit to order. shipping is $25 to the US $25 to Canada, $30-40 everywhere else i do ship all over for more tracking is NOT included. less your in Canada
<3 she be my friend.. go watch her and get art from her. <3
if you are on my profile.. you mean something to me... if you are not here.. means we prob dont talk like ever or i dont know you!! hit me up, you never know we might become friends!