I just recently coined this term, sorta. It is derived from faunoiphilia, its opposite. Faunoiphilia is the desire to see animals mate, which is great! Nothing wrong with that IMO. But most people, ev...
I'm planning on starting a comic series, that is not 3D because the 3D software I use (Daz3D Studio) is rather glitchy when rendering. I intend on it having a written narration, with the intent on it ...
I have some time constraints, but I am planning on writing more 3D comics. I have one I'm working on, but it doesn't involve Branjo and Mowla. But there is sizeplay :)
I'm a Shaman Squirrel. "Shaman Squirrel" is not one character, but many. I have lots of characters who are Shaman Squirrels, and there's a genealogical line of them spanning over 1,000 years in my stories that are on Sofurry.
I'm obsessed with little guys on big gals! M<F Size difference (male smaller than female) and unbirthing are beautiful, sacred things.
I don't do this art because I think I'm good; but rather because it's fun. I do it mostly on SAI and Krita. While I'm no Michelangelo, I have seen stuff that's much worse than mine so there's hope for me. My latest works are done on an expensive pen display that took me long to pay for.
I really like the whole endosoma style, but I just wondered if you had the project to make the males play with her clit or any sweet inner spots, instead of just cervix fucking ?
I really like the whole endosoma style, but I just wondered if you had the project to make the males