It was my birthday yesterday. The day itself was extremely "meh" due to RL circumstances, although I had an amazing weekend beforehand being visited by two wonderful drgns who are very important to me...
I guess now that classes are out for the summer, it's a decent time to do a half-year retrospective. Thankfully, this time around I get to leave out current events entirely and just talk about me. Wh...
Another year, another downer of an emotion-dumping to ring things in. Holy shit, I really do only post journals literally once a year, don't I? Maybe it's just because twitter is so much better for s...
Pictures from my alternate-universe version of MLP, where all the ponies are exceptionally-endowed, growing grrls. Some grow more than others, though...
Thank you for the watches and faves! Leave a comment if you enjoy my work, please. It's really special to read everyone's thoughts on the pieces, even if they're very short, and it means a lot to me to see that others appreciate my art.
Also, there are pieces I post to my Weasyl account that I don't post here - I try to give people an incentive to follow me on both sites. Go check it out!
I'd kept an eye on your gallery because you seem to be a fan of Badgerben too, but somehow I must never have actually watched you! I've fixed that now. ^_^
I'd kept an eye on your gallery because you seem to be a fan of Badgerben too, but somehow I must ne