It was my birthday yesterday. The day itself was extremely "meh" due to RL circumstances, although I had an amazing weekend beforehand being visited by two wonderful drgns who are very important to me. It was our first time being together in person after knowing each other for... fuck, haha, about fifteen years online. I think I had a bit of a moment when she told me. I guess I still don't want to think of myself as being as old as I am, you know? But it was such a nice trip. We got to eat lots of good food and visited Mt. Mitchell as well as two lovely waterfalls. Plus we just chilled out and enjoyed meeting for the first time. A whole different vibe than when Echoen and I spent the better part of the week together in-character, but no less special for me. I'll always cherish the memory.
Anyway, as far as birthdays go, I might be a bit disappointed but at the same time it's not as much of a downer as you might expect. After all, I am an adult who can declare the whole week a "birthday week" if I want. I hope I can do something a bit more appropriate and special this coming weekend to cap it off.
But at any rate, even though I only got one present (thank you Nori, I'll post some of my backlog soon probably), I think it will put a smile on my face if I try to share some of my stuff with you guys instead.
It's kind of funny, actually. I'm feeling kind of tired and low-energy today but because I don't feel like I can manage to write a long vignette for any of my art, that self-imposed pressure is gone and suddenly posting doesn't feel nearly as troublesome as it normally does. So I'll see how many I end up uploading today. I kind of feel like it's affecting my tone when I write, too... but being this matter-of-fact feels like a nice change of pace for once.
Oh, one last thing. Please, please, PLEASE! I really want you to leave comments. Feedback is nice. One of the reasons I got to be so quiet outside of telegram/discord is that my posts tend to get very little interaction, haha.
Enjoy the art!
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1 year, 4 months ago
16 Nov 2023 18:42 CET