The re-election of Donald Trump is truly a dark day for America and for humanity as a whole. He will undermine and ultimately destroy American democracy. He is an illegitimate president, has never rep...
It is truly a dark day for America with the overturning of the Roe v. Wade federal protection of abortion. With this ruling, millions of women, most of them poor, will now be faced with the brutal dec...
I wanted to post something about what I've seen browsing this site and a lot of other furry sites in the last few decades(?)... shit am I really that old? Anyway, I see a LOT of fetish art and hyper-e...
Asukalangley. Nightweaver20xx. The names conjure up (or they should, anyway) images of controversy. For a full decade I considered myself a "furry" artist (2002-2012). Then circumstances arose that made me lose control and get banned from a number of furry sites. Let's put it this way: Not many people like me anymore, with good reason.
However, I'm going to at least post all my old art here so that people can still enjoy it and remember me for what I once was. I'm not "back in," as the saying goes. I no longer create art at all. But I'm hoping that at least you all can get some enjoyment out of the thousands of man-hours I put into my little drawings. relation to the Sonic/EUROPE pic I mentioned yesterday, I want you to know that EUROPE got back together on Oct. 2, 2003, and has been busy(with the exception of the Covid-infested 2020) every year since. They've done 6 albums, and I decided last year, which I acted on, to get ALL of EUROPE's albums that I didn't already have. As musicians, all of them know how to do things right, and I do hope that, later this year, they can get back to touring on the road, and then hit the studio to make their 7th post-2003 album, and 12th all time. =) relation to the Sonic/EUROPE pic I mentioned yesterday, I want you to know that EUROPE got b
All right, whatever man. You should have known that I was by implication concerned about you, but you're in too deep a hole right now for me to get to you. Sorry it had to end this way.
All right, whatever man. You should have known that I was by implication concerned about you, but yo