I wanted to post something about what I've seen browsing this site and a lot of other furry sites in the last few decades(?)... shit am I really that old? Anyway, I see a LOT of fetish art and hyper-exaggeration of anatomy and stuff like that and it just personally turns me off. Not saying you can't like it... hey it's a free world, enjoy what you like on your own terms.
I'd like to specifically call out a lot of Sonic fanart for this trend, as I seem to have some of the only fanart of these characters that puts them into at least semi-believable situations, with realistic anatomy. I guess it's just my days growing up with the SatAM cartoon and the Archie comics, and maybe some of my art schooling. But I just feel you're doing a disservice to these marvelous anthro characters if you hyper-exaggerate them, giving them massive tits, asses, putting them in diapers, vore, WORSE. For fuck's sake, people, aren't we all adults here? I can't see the appeal, personally. You may and hey, again that's your business.
Now I'm not saying that my Sonic fanart is the solution or the answer to what plagues furry art these days. Hell, most of the stuff I put up here was drawn when a lot of you zoomers were still in diapers (speaking of which). But I DO want to say that I've always tried, in my art, to depict the characters I draw in a mostly realistic, grounded way that's at least believable for the world in which they inhabit, and that goes for my OCs as well as my fanart. I draw them with realistic proportions, realistic genitals, breasts, etc. because I think that makes them MORE attractive, more sexy. I just think that, if we all started having maybe some higher standards for our art that fetish artists and those who would corrupt the spirit of these characters would move on to something else. Because my lord have I seen some shit in my day.
Apologies for the rant, but I had to get that one off my chest. Nightweaver out.
P.S. Hey do you want to see some genuinely awful old art of mine? I've got some coming. Don't say you didn't ask for it.
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2 years, 9 months ago
07 Jun 2022 17:58 CEST