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Max Wicked Reference [Gift Art] by Maxthewicked100
Max Wicked Reference [Gift Art]
Hello everybody!
So, I'm kinda new to IB, but for the current moment, I am moving in all my stuff from dA and hopefully I'll get to know you all! I look forward to my time here and look forward to meeting you furs!
11 years, 3 months ago
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The Triplesome Troubles (Filtered and Unfiltered Version) [Collab Art] by Maxthewicked100
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Max Wicked Reference [Gift Art] by Maxthewicked100
Max Wicked Reference [Gift Art...
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The Curse of the Werefox [Requested Art] by Maxthewicked100
The Curse of the Werefox
Max strolls down the alleyways one night to find a strong moon as it pokes his curse...What shall happen?
1 submission
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Clans of the Moon(pages 1-5) by Rumble
Clans of the Moon(pages 1-5)
by Rumble
Good day everybody! I am Max! Max the Fox! I'm a guy who loves entertainment, adventure and most importantly, GAMES! :D RPing especially! I do RPing with anyone who can post at least a decent amount of lines! I am also a writer! Note: Yes, I do RPing so if you have Skype, note me and we can arrange a RP or something.

Gift Story: Yes (Don't ask for it though, otherwise you'll have small chances.)
Requested Story: Yes (Just be sure to note me what you want and I'll see what I can do depending on the theme.)


Max The Werefox: https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=505875
Max Wicked: https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=527458
About Max the Fox:

Fur colour: Ruddy Orange
Hair colour: Dark brown
Age: 23
Species: Orange/Red (Not sure.) Fox
Clothing and appearance: Green Hoodie with a sword belt with The Wicked Sword sheathed and green camo jeans with a holster of The Wicked Gunlance. Max has a orange-like tail with the colour being white at the tips of the tail. Max has a symbol resembling his family on the front of his paw. It can be used to communicate with his ancestors or use his many other powers. On his bare body, he has another symbol which gives him the ability to bring out his Spiritual wings which are golden and glows with power. Also at times, he wears The Wicked Armor. With metal gauntlets and sachets and bags that are enchanted to say what category is in that specific bag. The body chest armor is black with gold and red imprints. There are also jeans/trackies that are a dark green that go along with the armor.

Max is a chilled neutral fox who loves adventures. Even with his friends or if the adventure isn't exactly a adventure. Max grew up to become a swordsman and a spell caster. He may have never known he would ever get spells due to having a hard life as a kid who just didn't know how to use spells along with having a rough life of having his family's home, Wicked Manor attacked by raiders all the time....Until one stormy day, the demons and shadows and bandits attacked his home and destroyed everything within it.....All but Max....In the process, his father was killed...Max was only 5 during this horrible nightmare of his...To this very day, Max vowed revenge...Max eventually grew up to become a normal swordsman but as he had Wicked blood in him, as well as the rest of his family, he would soon find out that he isn't just a swordsman or a spell caster, but also the chosen master to weld The Wicked Sword. A sword passed down in his family's generations. Every 2000 years a new member would be chosen to fight with the sword. Their objective was the most responsible jobs in history. But its been said that The Wicked Sword gives a lot of power to the person who pulls it from its resting place. The Wicked mountains. The chosens must climb atop the mountain whilst being drenched with rain and having their survival instincts put to the test. Max, one day climbed atop the very mountain of his ancestors and got his family's sword. But the power was so strong that it put him in a coma. Not to awaken until trouble first shows. The story of the sword goes like this: Max's ancestors were gods at the time and wanted to craft the ultimate weapon to protect the world against threats. As they created the sword, they made one mistake. They added a jewel so powerful that the welder of the sword would transform into a god. However, the sword could not handle this very power and the sword itself glowed brightly and left a hole within where the jewel was placed. All that was left was of that hole was half of The Wicked Jewel's power which was a bright glowing red aura. As the jewel was placed on to the sword and soon left a hole, The Wicked Jewel broke into ten pieces and were soon known as Wicked Shards. Its been said that five shards can transform the welder into a demonic fox with a hoodie covering his face and only bright red eyes would remain in heavy red armour as the sword would look completely black and only the middle of the sword shows a red aura glowing brightly like fire. If ten shards are connected to The Wicked Sword, the very welder itself will become a god. With wings and heavy white armour as well as having a white hoodie only with bright white eyes. Max would soon discover that he would not just be a fox that lived in a rich family, but also become one of the most important atop his family as well as having loads of adventures!

Demeanor: Docile

The Wicked Sword's element and appearance: All around element. The Wicked Sword looks like a normal sword without any shards, but all that remains is engraved ancient symbols and the hole of the glowing aura from where The Wicked Jewel exploded. But if all five shards are collected (Which is how its supposed to look exactly) the edges of the sword is black like a layer. But if ten shards are collected, the hole of where the aura glows will have the connected shards while glowing out a white aura as well as having still red.

Weakness: Any element can hurt Max. If Max overuses his power a bit of his life will be drained. Since he is sensitive towards absorbing power, if he absorbs too much, he will fall unconscious and if its a lot of power, sometimes he will also fall into a coma. But that hasn't happened to him since he pulled out The Wicked Sword even now sadly...He has fallen into quite a few...

Personality: Kind hearted to those who help Max or are Max's friends. Always trying to help people when they need it most. Always trys to stay in high spirits even when things look very bad. Completely selfless when he needs to be.

Weapons: The Wicked Sword and The Wicked Gunlance

The Wicked Gunlance's appearence: A red diamond at one end of the pistols and below is the traditional, handle, trigger and what not. Its name is on front of the gun in gold designs saying its name. It can fire out many elements. Also the traditional bullets. Its rate of fire is normally pended on how its used.

Anyways, I hope you guys like my main fursona! I also hope to get along well with people here!
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Second Life
7 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for the watch and friendship ^^
10 years, 11 months ago
I'm trusting you. If you see anything else in my gallery that you aren't supposed to, I'm sorry.x3
11 years, 2 months ago
Many thanks for the watch! :D
11 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for the watch foxy :)
11 years, 3 months ago
aww thank glad you think so! and I love wolves my main fursonna is a wolf and most of my comics and stories have wolves
11 years, 3 months ago
Thank you very much for the watch!
11 years, 3 months ago
hey there max! thanks for the fave I didn't think that anyone (besides my mate) was gonna like that comic, so tons of thanks
11 years, 3 months ago
I thought I was watching.
11 years, 3 months ago
Hello, welcome to IB
11 years, 3 months ago
I think you should ditch PS and try Gimp out... as it has this thing...
that could serve your purpose...
There's a way to smooth shaky lines in PS, but I researched and found nothing...
11 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the fav. ^^
11 years, 5 months ago
Heya Max! ^,..,^
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