It's an advance warning, but it's quite late for one, but it's still in advance, so I dunno. Anyway. It is almost time once again for this year's... **Squirrel Appreciation Day!** 21 January is th...
**AND THE WINNER IS...** *AJDurai ( )* So congratulations on your win AJDurai ( ). Video of selecting the winner:
So, I've -almost- now hit 200 viewers here. I realise that 200 isn't a huge milestone, but it is for me - when I signed up to IB five years ago (well, it was before that with another account that stay...
Pretty rubbish draw-er really – actually, given you can't slide me open and store stuff in me, I'm a worse drawer. Doing it just for something to do. Found my way here somehow through the work of paige, and inspired to draw by the work of thekzx (who could resist Izzy?!) so there's kind of that influence in what I do. Mostly draw on my Android tablet, occasionally I might scribble something down on paper.
Appreciate any hints, tips, constructive criticism, that sort of thing to my work as it helps me to get better.
Based in the UK, and decided that any OC of mine would be based on British animals, plus have always had a soft spot for badgers. (And squirrels. And foxes.)
Please ask for permission before drawing any of my OC, they are, after all, mine and I'm rather attached to them now! Plus, of course, it's only polite to ask before using anybody's content, whatever it is.
Also, if you want to promote me, I won't stop you! The more the merrier! Also up for conversations on Discord or Telegram if you want to chat - if you do reach out to me, let me know who you are in a message (ie, a link to here or your username if it's different), and please allow for chats from non-friends - I don't 'friend' randoms without a bit of a convo going first - otherwise I may well ignore you!
Oh, I'll stick around because if I put someone on my watch list, it takes a LOT to make me remove them. That said, I've read some of your comics and I've been a fan of Izzy, Tay, and company for a while, so I knew about you and the KZX. (Plus, you do color most of the time and KZX doesn't. (grin)
Oh, I'll stick around because if I put someone on my watch list, it takes a LOT to make me remove th