1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? There's maybe 4 or so.. 2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? Any time would be wonderful. 3. What side of the b...
[_]smoked [_]consumed alcohol [X] slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex [X] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex [X] kissed someone of the same sex [X] had sex [X] had s...
Stolen from Reddywolf Few people are man/woman enough to openly answer any and all questions thrown at them. Are you? Prove it. Copy/Paste this as a new journal entry and answer every question you g...
Greetings, everybody. I am Aeon B. Skul of Caitian 3, locally referred to Mobius. A planet from a distant star system, but many of you already know of this world. A few of you may have visited it for it's loving and very sexually open culture. A few of you may have come as refugees to escape war, and many of you may have no idea what I'm talking about. That's all fine and well.
I was born on Earth when my father, Sankishin crashed there. It was never revealed to me what brought his ship down, what his mission was, or why he never tried to go back, but I was the fruit of his decision. I was born with somewhat of a curse. A black seething corruption that only spreads during times of great depression, and a gift. My body in itself is host to an exceptionally powerful electric current, and as such I have learned to wear special non conductive gloves when interacting with machinery so as not to fry its circuits with my very touch.
As a staple of my people, my eyes glow, and sometimes change colors depending on my current dominating mood, and my blood, and thusly most of my insides are purple. On a more... sexual note, I used to eat almost nothing but strawberries, which many of you know of on Earth, but actually came from my planet. What young Mobians eat ends up influencing parts of their genetic structure, and as I almost exclusively ate strawberries, my bodily fluids are pink and taste like that of a sweet strawberry syrup.. I believe the most accurate of comparisons would be of the Earth-American snack Fruit Gushers...
My people are also capable of reproducing bisexually, and as such I have over my long life had 5 children by females and 2 born from my own body.
Onward to statistics.
Name: Akatsuki Byakko Skul (Referred to as Aeon or Kogi)
I know who you are Kogi. You're the one tiger that is interested in making a video game. Or have ideas for one. I'm thinking about background ideas too. Actually I've finally have a small tablet too. Hopefully I'll get into the swing of drawing once the area here cools down weather wise.
I know who you are Kogi. You're the one tiger that is interested in making a video game. Or have id