Bluntest version of our most asked question: Q: "Will this project be available for free in the future?” A: No, it's a pay-exclusive comic. A lot of text below explains why. *A response to questi...
We've got two big announcements News #1 - Next month we're opening a commission auction! We'll be opening up one slot to bid on for art from our team! We only have room this coming month for one slo...
Hello All! As per our promised rewards for all of your support we will be holding a brief stream FRIDAY NIGHT on Picarto to have a lottery draw! The stream will be going live a few minutes before 7pm...
Greetings and hello there sir, hope that you have a wonderful holidays and many more... Plus I love your story art, keep up the great work and the awesome job. Really you are doing an excellent job. ^^
Greetings and hello there sir, hope that you have a wonderful holidays and many more... Plus I love
We are certainly doing our best to set up direct payments! We should be able to implement this soon, it just involved a lot of hoops to set up because our team exists outside of the USA and EU, the rules are more complicated for global payment systems! Hopefully soon though, sorry for your delay reading more!
We are certainly doing our best to set up direct payments! We should be able to implement this soon,
For all who are concerned. We've cut back FREE content releases only, as a means to encourage support for the project through digital purchases and subscriptions - our content takes time, and we feel content and exclusivity sell a project like this.
We provide a lower res version of the comic significantly slower on our free sites - subscription to us at $3 a month gets you 14 pages a month, rather than 4, all higher res. and the one-time membership "fee" (support threshold) buys you not only the 90-ish pages on here at higher res, but also 110+ newer pages. These sales maintain our servers and fund the project, it's 200+ pages with over half never-before-seen. 3.3 new people signing up at $30 funds a new page, 33 people paying $3 funds a page, we appreciate both with all our hearts.
For all who are concerned. We've cut back FREE content releases only, as a means to encourage suppor
It's fine if you have a differing opinion on how you'd run your business, but please don't quote numbers at us as a random observer... It's very rude. and especially not whilst not taking into account our support through Swaggerdile and the rewards and models of other comics. TwoKinds, webcomic of the year multi-award winner and amazing (amazingly popular though it is) does only twice our custom, at a $5 minimum, for a sketch blog reward and funding public pages. We're proud to be on par with creators like Roanoak for popularity, despite the obvious lure of more adult content in they have, whilst trying our best to provide an effective 100 page advanced viewing as a reward and a release schedule 3-4 times as fast and far in advance of our public content as an extra incentive.
It's fine if you have a differing opinion on how you'd run your business, but please don't quote num
As much as I want to support you guys, I cannot help but read all of the information out there about your economic model for keeping your project afloat. You are cutting back your published content because a member released it all, and then you increased your "threshold" for new members to access your previously created content. Sure, it was a small amount, but you guys claim that you deserve more pay for digital content *that is already freely available on the net*. You are trying to charge for content people already have access to.
And I'm sorry, but I think you guys fail to understand the concept of crowdfunding. You get people to sponsor you to create content. If you released more of your previously created content, you would draw in vastly more sponsors than 143 as of 5/31/17.
As much as I want to support you guys, I cannot help but read all of the information out there about
Really loving the comic! And also appreciate the way yall are promoting your Patreon and Swaggerdile(???) without making it so pushy as some other accounts do. I really hope its going well! :)
Really loving the comic! And also appreciate the way yall are promoting your Patreon and Swaggerdile