Once, I wore my leather harness out in town and didnt realize it til after about a half hour... Wasnt embarrassed at all when I realized it, although it did explain the stares I was getting.... Oh wel...
I have returned from CLAW and have realized how much I have grown just this year alone! OMG, just in the past week, this pup has grown to all new heights and honestly wouldnt change anything for the w...
This weekend has been... interesting at best. In one weekend: I became single, saw the outrage of a childhood hero falling at Wrestlemania (fuck you WWE, go to hell), had three major fights that I hon...
I am a kind and friendly hybrid, I always love more friends. BUT if you bring drama down on me, around me, in front of me, or any of my friends or family, I WILL block you without further notice! BE WARNED!!!
Name: Kain Akumatsuki Species: Demowox (demon wolf/fox hybrid) Eyes: Yellow Fur: Crimson Ht: 7'0" Wt: Varies depending on antho or feral form Origin: The Underworld (Egyptian heritage)
My Loved Ones. I am very protective of those that I love and care about.
Puppy’s Bill of Rights 1. Every puppy has the right to have his body, intellect, and emotions protected by his Dom. 2. Every puppy has the right to choose the man whom he serves and to discontinue that service and take his leave without being subjected to physical, mental, or emotional abuse. 3. Every puppy has the right to be cared for, disciplined appropriately, and allowed to feel pride in his submission. 4. Every puppy has the right to protected sex if he so wishes. 5. Every puppy has the right to privacy if he so wishes. No puppy can be blackmailed, publicly humiliated, or physically coerced into service without his expressed desire to be so. 6. Every puppy has the right to defend himself from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. 7. Every puppy has the right to consent or not to consent to sexual activities. 8. Every puppy has the right to seek refuge, counsel, and advice from other subs and Doms without the expectation of sex, money, or any other service in return. 9. Every puppy has the right to a physically and emotionally available circle of friends. 10. Every puppy has the right to protect his own possessions and finances against intercession, theft, and non-consensual acquisition. SIRS: Please copy and paste this Bill of Rights into your online profiles if you wish to let subs know how you feel about their rights. Subs, boys, and pups: Please include the Bill in your online profiles and take a stand against abuse.
╦╦╦╦═╗ Put this on your page ║╩║║║╔╗ ~if you give free hugs ╚╩╩═╩═╝(Anybody need a Hug)
░████░░ ████░░ ░█░░█░░█░ █░░ ░████░░ ████░░ ░█░█░░░█░░░░ ░█░░█░░█░░░░ puts this on ur page if u do role play (I only RP with the permission of my master and mistress!)
A...copy and paste N...this on your profile T...if you love H...anthro animals R...and aren't afraid O...to show it.
__________________________________________________ _♥_♥___♥_♥_ Put this ♥___♥_♥___♥ heart _♥___♥___♥_ on your __♥_____♥__ page if ___♥___♥___ you love ____♥_♥____ someone __________________________________________________
╔╗╔═╦╦╦═╗Put this in your ║╚╣║║║║╩╣profile if you are ╚═╩═╩═╩═╝in love .♥.♥.♥.
Thank you for taking the time to read my page. Feel free to message me, watch me, or even friend me. However do NOT bring drama to my door. As long as you get along with me or my family, we are cool and you are most welcome! ^.^