I want to be an artist one day, but I'm a gamer instead, I watch those who's art I admire and I always accept friendships, as much as I enjoy art there is still some I can not tolarate, while I respect others choices I myself cannot handle anything involving receiving pain to get pleasure, I also can't stand grimful sights such as releastic death of any sort whether it be a made up character or a person, I can't even stand the sight of blood long enough to sit still with blood drawings... I know this isn't probly a good place to say this but I like to be honest with people, I'm not much of an artist but I am a gamer and a writer. I once saw a horrific sight while looking up riolu pictures (Riolu is a Pokémon I believe to be noble along with Lucario its evolution) the riolu was missing half its head and its left rib cage was exposed with blood on the ground it was laying there with a look of horror and its tail looked like it had a bite taken out of, just remembering it makes me hate it more, I almost passed out from gagging so much I couldn't get air into my lungs.... long story short I can't take violent looking deaths and I hate violence that results in blood or serious injury, I guess that's why I prefer chess and golf.
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