Not much to say this time. Working today so celebrations have to wait until tomorrow but that’s alright. Trying to train my hand with a screen less tablet and it’s been slow going. Getting better thou...
Feels like a lifetime. Though I guess it's true when they say years go by faster the older you get, or at least it's felt that way recently. Unfortunately going to be a busy day at work, but it should...
Well, we got the car back. Had to go through hell and high water (or at least that's what it felt like) but it's finally back and ours again. I didn't realize just how bad I was feeling these past 2 w...
Your welcome! Caught your story Sibling Rivalry (albeit I just had read part 4 first) but now need to go back for the rest. Like your writing and your charas in that story very much. 8-)
Your welcome! Caught your story Sibling Rivalry (albeit I just had read part 4 first) but now need