*Can't believe I haven't thought about making a rules set until now, but here we are. Art trades are forever open if you're interested in an artwork from me. But here are some ground rules before you ...
*When it comes to fetish content in general, most people tend to commission/make art of women in particular. Be it their bare feet, butt crushed, ho, and so forth... and to that I say, why just women?...
*I know someone might accuse me of creating an Inkbunny account just because it has artwork of underaged minors... but I'm not here because of that. That's just gross. I'm only here to show off my fet...
Just a simple trans boi on the internet who has a secret foot fetish. 😛
(He/Him, TransMasc, 25, taken with HammySigvard)
Just so you know, I prefer 3 or 4-toed paws over 5-toed human feet, but I'm okay with the latter as long as they're animals. And I don't mind either male or female feet. I'm Bi, y'know.
Thanks for the watch! And for faving a few of my recent/old uploads of mine as well. Feel happy to browse my profile all you like! I don't upload that often.
Thanks for the watch! And for faving a few of my recent/old uploads of mine as well. Feel happy to b