Hello, I probably should have said something beforehand, but YOU KNOW.... Anyways, I was at MFF 2024 and it was RADICAL!!!! I had a great time, and met so many people. People I just knew of, friend...
Hey cool kids. Just felt I should mention that I'll be going to Anthrocon this year, for the first time in 9 years l3 So if you're going and I know you, maybe I can say HELLO!! l3
Dear artists everywhere, it's time for your annual reminder: This is Mistletoe: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/maepbmkd20yoamqbuhv35/mistletoe-3.jpg?rlkey=qqt7il9b59wjpazu8rkfknft4&dl=0 -- White ber...