Figured I should make a journal about ways you can support me! Money's been a bit tight lately, and it's been tough to keep up with commissions when I have so many other projects I wanna work on too. ...
I have an Itaku if anyone's interested in following me there! Twitter is being dumb, so I wanted to give this a shot. It's still empty but I plan to upload to it soon. ^^
I finally made a Patreon! It has two tiers, a $1 one for seeing my finished works one week early, and a $5 one to see stuff I'm currently working on before they're finished! ^^ All finished works in t...
FYI Please only message me on my socials if it's about commissions or something else art related. I used to be open for making new friends, but I'm just too socially drained these days. Thanks sorry :S
Thank you very much for the watch, and genuinely speaking good luck with your artistic endeavors, I at least like the expressions and gestures that you draw, if you keep at it, I’m sure you’ll get there!
Thank you very much for the watch, and genuinely speaking good luck with your artistic endeavors, I